Friday, March 27, 2009

Want To Expand My Wings

Weather is so lovely outside. Today I was not feeling like coming to work (this is not a new thing, I hardly feel like coming to work LOL:). So, on my way to office, looking outside the Cab's window I was feeling like get down there and then only and start walking and enjoy the weather (but could not do so). A rush of emotions in my heart is telling me to do lots of things. Like I want to ride a Scooty and go on my own to wherever I want, catch a good movie, eat something spicy, dance in Rain or just go for a stroll with my Mom. Sooooo ... Excited O.M.G. I think the Weekend Fever has started showing its Symptoms. And with this want to spread my Wings long and wide as possible as I can.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hostel Days - Memories for Life

As I always say and believe that Hostel Days (when I was doing my post graduation) have been fun and those were the best part of my life till now. We were 5 friends (girls only) like sisters and we were famous in the university with title "B.N.A.G.S.". Though many boys tried to get place in our group, we never allowed them to invade our comfort zone. They came, fade away and lost but "B.N.A.G.S." remained the same. We laughed, cried, fought, bitched about are respective boyfriends and a lot more. Those memories will always remain there in our hearts.

Three of us are married now and two are still single (enjoying life). Though we are not able to see each other regularly because of our respective jobs, family responsibilities and other things, the bond is still there and we hope it remain forever. Now one of my friend has come from London after 1 year and we all are looking forward to meet her tomorrow. We all are sooo.. excited, making plans, buying gifts. O.M.G. there is a lot to do. I hope, you too can feel the excitement.

So, Happy Weekend to all of you. Enjoy :) and make sure to stay in touch with those who love and care for you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Survival of the Fittest - We are actually living this

When I was in school, we used to have a lesson in our Science text books "Survival of the Fittest," I don't remember actually in which standard as it hardly matters. So, coming back to the main point. For past few days, this thought is popping into my mind that we are actually living the phrase "Survival of the Fittest" these days. All all of you must be aware of Economy Crisis these days, many employees have lost their jobs, some have committed suicide (Take the example of General Manager of Tata Consultancy), while others are looking for much safer options where they can work without worrying about being "FIRED". People are trying hard to save their ASS and doing all possible stuff to remain in the Rat Race.

Instance I

Like few days back, one of my friend was telling me that she went for an interview where she was not entertained just because she had asked for Big Package (obviously according to the recruiters). They were looking for some person whom they can pay less for the same job she was supposed to do there. Then after the whole conversation she came to know that the H.R. person just called her up to make sure that her Boss doesn't kick her out because she could not arrange for any candidate. But, in that whole episode who suffered? Obviously my friend, who went there by taking all the pains, spending money and devoted her complete one day (Time is money man). Anyways, this was one of the incidence where H.R. lady acted smart to save her job.

Now the Instance No II.

People are buttering their bosses and back biting their colleagues just to make a good impression in their mentor's eyes (Back Biting, that is something which really hurts especially when it effects your carrier).

So, its a strange feeling which I can not explain. All I can say, please GOD HELP US in these tough times.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tagging - Great Way to Widen your Network

Though I was thinking of doing this for past few days, today I have got the time to say thanks to my dear blogger friends A.K. and CutePriya for tagging me. It's a wonderful way to expand your network of blogger Friends.

As every game has some rules, Tagging has too. Here are the rules on what we should do while Tagging:

1) Put the link of the person who tagged you on your blog.

2) Write the rules.

3) Mention 6 things or habits of no real importance about you.

4) Tag 6 persons adding their links directly.

5) Alert the persons that you tagged them.

Since I have already done rule 1 and 2, I am jumping straight to rule 3.

6 things or habits of no real importance about Me

1. I make good Coffee and Pizza.

2. Love to hang around with friends on Weekends.

3. MTV Roadies is my favorite Show these days.

4. I walk in sleep sometimes (Scared... ha ha).

5. My post graduation days are the most special days of my life.

6. I hate flirting.

Now the fourth rule:

Well, I nominate: The Daily Blonde, Tasha, Virgo_The_Perfectionist, Scandalous Housewife, Quirky Mon and QM

And now is the time to let them know that they have been tagged :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Things that Really Irritate Me

As you grow older you have your own set of rules which you want to follow. But I have seen people around me who really don't care for what others would think. No courtesy or Chivalry left. But c'mon if you want others to respect your time and emotions, please do some effort to respect their time and sentiments as well. Here are some points which really irritate me.

  • People who Fart loudly in public places (that's so irritating).
  • People who discuss personal stuff on phone while sitting in group (see nobody is interested to know about what you cook, or how much your boy/gal loves you).
  • People who take your things and don't return back (I have started saying NO to such people).
  • People who don't respond back to my messages or phone calls (at least have the courtesy to take out 2 minutes to inform if you are BUSY).
  • People who take their partners for granted (You better deserve to be ditched).
  • Late comers.

I will add to this list if anything comes to my mind and would like to hear things that irritate you Guys.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Benefits of Singlehood

One of my friend is sad these days because of her recent break up. So, I was just thinking why do we need guys? Can't we enjoy life on our own? Yes, we can. I know how it feels to be in a relationship, and then come out of it. A lot of pain and memories are involved. But we can keep ourselves happy by looking at the brighter side of the Singlehood. Like I have some points which can make you feel good if you are one of those singles who have broken off with their partners or still have not found their dream mate:

  • You are free and independent.
  • You don't have to wait for those phone calls.
  • No Tensions and Tears.
  • Can concentrate in your Work or studies.
  • Can date as many guys/gals without feeling guilty.
  • You need not to put an artificial mask to be good in any body's eyes.
  • Can try different things without thinking much.

While reading this if any good point comes to your mind, Please add to this list.

Monday, March 9, 2009

It had been a looooooooong tiring Day.

Sooo. It had been a looooooooong tiring Day. Our Shift has changed from 8 to 9 hours that too from afternoon to the evening shift. As you know how we all feel in the evening. DROWSY is the answer. So, I came to office, completed all my work here I am winding up my day with this post. My legs are paining like anything. Don't know why? Because of this changed work schedule, I suppose. Feeling sooooo..tired and hungry Waiting for the dinner to be served. I hope they have something good and spicy to tingle our taste buds and raise our energy levels. Ok see you all tomorrow.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Women's Day

As I might be out of town for next couple of Days. Here I am wishing Happy Woman's Day to all the women in my life - friends, distant friends, and family

Happy International Women's Day! Ladies let's make this world a better place each and every day!

p/s: Never ever lose your Self Respect and Dignity for anyone at any COST.

High Expectations

Why do we have to live up to other's expectations? Like if my folks wants me to be a doctor, but I want to be a dancer, artist or singer then why do I need to study hard. Every person knows their weak and strong areas. Then why we are not allowed to live our life our own way. If I am happy and contented in working in that normal 8 hour shift and life is going smooth with that so called small package, then why do I participate in the rat race where people are exploiting each other and playing games to snatch other's position. Sorry !!! but I can never be like others. I am happy the way I am. In fact, I want to live my life happily then why do I run after other's dreams? After all I have got only one life to live and don't I have the right to live it my way?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I want a change .........

Feeling sooooo low now. I don't have boyfriend (Better to stay away from those bastards), with whom I can kill time or just share some loving moments. Though I don't regret being single, sometimes feel soooo aloofed and feel jealous from those who are madly in love with their partners (May god bless them). Don't feel like talking on phone, watching movies, nothing at all. Just want to go deep into my nutshell which nobody can invade. This monotonous life is killing me inside. Really want a change :(

Stay Happy :) with your Happy Weight.

Though I have never been one of those style icons in my group, looking good and staying fresh has always been there on my fundas. Earlier I used to be very skinny, you won't believe my parents once took me to the doctor to advice some medicines so that I can get some weight. LOL. But, gone are the days. Packed schedules, odd office hours and unhealthy eating habits have affected my body in last few years. Gained weight has made me conscious of my health and eating habits. I have started keeping check on what I eat and when (at what time) I eat. In fact, I have seen many people curbing their urge to eat great food even if they like it. But from my various experiences, I have learnt that I can't go on diet. After all, why should I keep myself away from great food :) when I am medically fit (like I don't have health problems like diabetes, or I am not pregnant LOL).

Yesterday, I was just surfing the web and found this great tool to measure our happy weight. You all must be wondering what's that? Actually the weight you were meant to be, one that is healthy and easy to maintain is the happy weight.

So find out your HAPPY WEIGHT and stop obsessing about your body and your diet as I did.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Learn Some Manners... For God's Sake

It feels quite disturbing when people forget basic manners or Chivalry (most appropriate word) to treat ladies. Other day one of my very good friends was telling this incidence, people looking forward to get their son married keep infeasible expectations. They ask weird kind of questions like what is your height? (Thank God, they don't ask What's your Vital stats?), how much you earn? (Does your son wants to be dependent on his wife's salary?). Such things really suck. I know, in arranged marriages, people prefer to be a bit cautious, after all you don't know the other person, and for marriage it's required to get all the details. But man, is it ok to insult the poor girl who is sitting there in front of you and not saying anything just for the sake of her parents. Can't you ask such questions in more respectful manner? Get a life man! Females these days are not dumb mules. They are well educated and self dependent. So, why do they have to tolerate such kind of behaviors from people. Can't you guys respect females ????