But things got a bit boring for past few weeks. After almost two years of single hood, I got bored living the same life daily. Get up early in the morning, do some excersice, get ready for office, work hard, achieve targets, get back to the home and then go to sleep. I wanted some change. So, as suggested by a good friend of mine, I joined a social networking site in hope of finding a great friend. But, my illusion broke in a few days and I came to the conclusion, that finding a real friend in a virtual world (on internet) is difficult. From my experience, I feel, people use such websites just for the sake of having fun or to discuss stuff which they don't have guts to share with somebody face to face. They just want to talk dirty and if you don't do that they'll tell that you are not open minded.
I am really pissed off. C'mon people, wake up. We are in 21th century. I can very well discuss sex and other things openly. But the discussion should be healthy not the cheap stuff. Like if someone is my close friend (no matter girl or boy) and we are having a healthy discussion on some very personal. I won't mind sharing my thought with them, but discussing things on social networking websites that too when you don't know the other person's frame of mind is a big NO for me at least. If people are that desperate, I would suggest go and watch a porno and help the website owners generate some business.
Anyways, that was not a great experience for me, so I would stick to what I believe in. Making friends in real world not in the virtual world. Though the virtual world seems to be more attractive, but I love to be in the real world and want to live with real people.
I have to agree with you on this. There are people like that. I have come across many. You should feel pity for them because there are born losers. They don't have the guts to shout out their views and thoughts in the real world, that is why they are doing it here..
Even I share the same opinion. Despos you better stay away from social sites! Don't spill your cheap thoughts everywhere.
Alli can say is "AGREE 100%" with what you have said !
GREAT post !!Thank god im not the only one who hates social networking sites :)
There are people on those sites that don't just want to talk sex, but there's not a lot. You just have to dig. But you do have the advantage because there are zillions of eager men in that pool and only 1/2 the women...
I really feel bad about your experiences. Even I dont like surfing net for time pass or to search fun. But if we talk about social n/w websites, I saw some of social networking sites which are very useful sometime. e.g. I used to get a lot of technical questions & technical friends on one of very popular social n/w site.Actually Sometime its your luck and sometime its your skills to handle people which led you to some good or bad consequences. i suggest you to avoid hurdles and filter out good things from dustcart.
@ Virgo_The_Perfectionist
Thanks Buddy for the piece of advice. Your suggestions mean a lot to me :)
I totally agree with you on this.
The problem is.. people consider social networking sites as matrimonial sites..And yes it's really very difficult to find true friends in the virtual world. Social networkling sites are full of sick perverts..
Yes u r rite dear....today's its hard to find such a gud frnd in this rubbish world....everybody is here to only use others emotionally, physically....and i dn't kn wat shud i say.....i really dn't have words for these kind of disgusting peoples......
friends are not searched for..they just happen!!!
@ swats....
Exactly ! That's what I believe in. Anyways, thanks for dropping by and expressing your valuable views.
Social netwroking sites are to keep in touch with your old freinds of real life. That is how I use it.
We don't find friends- they find us and in unusual ways and mostly with no effort from our side. :)
Keep rocking!! ;)
I totally agree with u... Whn its difficult to find good friends in real world, i doubt reel world wud do any help...
Its like u always dont have to Make Friends.. They will just find their way, thats wt i learned ....
u may be ryt on ur view on socio sites but i think socio n/w site is not the right place to get a good friend........instead i must say that these sites are there to reflect the image of the kinda persons present in the society..............and there are some cheapos throwing there mental dirt evrywhere ..........so dont blame these sites dear....may be u had the wrong experience once but its not that complicated......
keep posting and keep smiling
@ Suyog
Thank you Suyog ! Your views really matter. Thanks for dropping by.
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