So, the story begins like this. As I had promised to one of my friends that I'll chat with her on Saturday morning, I wind up all my personal stuff fast and got in front of the p.c. sharp at 11 am. But the internet was not working. Unplugged wires, replugged them, restarted my p.c. and after all the efforts of 20 minutes, thank god the internet started working. Me and my friend were in between of an interesting conversation, again "Mr. I" got disconnected. I called up the customer care Executives 10 times, but they could not solve my problems.
As I had been facing this problem for long, I decided to take a new connection. I called up a friend, and he suggested me that I can take it from my Mobile. O.k., then I called up my service provider, collected all the information and felt a bit relieved that finally I will have access to a better internet connection. They asked me they'll arrange a call back for me on Sunday, so that I can set a connection in my p.c. Now, came the Sunday morning, the fight with technology started again from 10 am. After 10-15 calls, the connection could not be set. Because there was some software up gradation needed in the system. Hell! NO They have started the connection, but I can not use it, just because some settings could not be done. It left me feeling more tired and exhausted. O.M.G. What to do now? Only one thing came to my mind, to hell with this computer, mobile and internet.
Then, finally I went to one of the internet cafes and checked all my mails and informed my friend that internet was not working that day. Anyways, felt a bit relieved after that, but still wondering would I be able to cope up with this fast growing technology?
So sad to hear that.. Why don't you get a good package from a reputed Internet provider. Am using Airtel connection and it's only 800 bucks per month and you get unlimited usage...
Go luck with your tech-war
The internet is SO my crank and I am addicted!!
We become handicap when disconnected. Internet is our virtual life in a way......The place where we can be, the way we want, when we want......
ha ha...nice post...
but i am in luv wid this technology....u can say for nowadays its my best boy friend....bcz i spend my max time wid it....nd i luv to be wid it seriously....ye jo nahi hai toh kuch v nahi hai meri life me......
so you call your selfs corporate sluts... first time am hearing this term... :)
Sorry you couldnt catch up with your friend...
Like A.K. said airtel's good...
@ A.K. Thanks A.K. for the suggestion ...
Yup ! That's what I feel "Handicapped" when it gets disconnected. Anyways thanks for dropping by here.
@ Thoughts Know No Bounds
Thanks for the complements Sweety :) Even I love technology but becomes restless when I have to fight with it ..
@ ApocalypsE
2 votes for Airtel. I think I must go for that :)
Ha...Ha..Ha.. Finally the Ordeal ended at the Internet Cafe... Poor baby! I can completely associate with you... I also had to run to Internet Cafes at times because of the connection failures...
Tell me about it. I am also a bit too dependent on technology and all this social networking.
anyway i just got a new pc, so it looks like my online activities will be on the increase.
Interesting Blog. Take Care.
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