Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm Loving It

So, here is the new interest of my life. He's keeping my mind occupied all the times. Yes, I love him. I just love him. Okay, Okay, enough of the Suspense. All of you must be wondering, who is he? and why all of a sudden, this Gal is talking in a strange manner?
Okay, So, he is "Ryan". I love "Ryan". Yup ! I can say it as louder as I can. He is confident, good looking, fun-loving, a fitness freak like me and above all he's just like my Dream Man. The man I have been looking for since I understood the meaning of Love but not found yet. I know, I have had my own share of experiences with Guys, and dated some LOSERS, but they didn't have the potential to be called as "MY MAN". But As far as Ryan is concerned, he's the ULTIMATE person. May be not of your kinds, but he's the one I have been looking for.

I know next question is how did I meet him. So here it goes, One of my Good Friend had given me this Novel: "Five Point Someone" by Chetan Bhagat. And "Ryan" is one of the characters from the three main Guys of the Story. I hope I haven't disappointed you all. I know this is something really CRAZY. You must be wondering, how could anyone, fall in love with a character from a Novel. But, it is So. Ryan is just Awesome. He lives for the moment, loves his friends, holds his own opinion for situations. Though he's one of the under performers in his class, he has got that Grey matter to make things work. I really love this "Ryan" character. I don't know, whether I would ever find a Guy like him but yes, one thing I am sure about is that he's just like my "Dream Man". He's my Hero these days (Even I believe in living for the Moment). I have just read half of the Novel, but I am enjoying exploring more about him.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Social Networking Websites: Big NO for me

As always, a question is popping again and again in my mind and now it's the time to throw it out of my system (As I always do). At this point of time, I can say that I don't believe in making new friends. My old friends are enough to make me laugh or share a thought whenever I need them, they are there for me. To be more precise I don't put effort to make friends now, according to me it should be a natural thing. If I find someone whose intellect matches with mine, he/she is most welcome but I don't have time for nonscence talkers.

But things got a bit boring for past few weeks. After almost two years of single hood, I got bored living the same life daily. Get up early in the morning, do some excersice, get ready for office, work hard, achieve targets, get back to the home and then go to sleep. I wanted some change. So, as suggested by a good friend of mine, I joined a social networking site in hope of finding a great friend. But, my illusion broke in a few days and I came to the conclusion, that finding a real friend in a virtual world (on internet) is difficult. From my experience, I feel, people use such websites just for the sake of having fun or to discuss stuff which they don't have guts to share with somebody face to face. They just want to talk dirty and if you don't do that they'll tell that you are not open minded.

I am really pissed off. C'mon people, wake up. We are in 21th century. I can very well discuss sex and other things openly. But the discussion should be healthy not the cheap stuff. Like if someone is my close friend (no matter girl or boy) and we are having a healthy discussion on some very personal. I won't mind sharing my thought with them, but discussing things on social networking websites that too when you don't know the other person's frame of mind is a big NO for me at least. If people are that desperate, I would suggest go and watch a porno and help the website owners generate some business.

Anyways, that was not a great experience for me, so I would stick to what I believe in. Making friends in real world not in the virtual world. Though the virtual world seems to be more attractive, but I love to be in the real world and want to live with real people.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Weekend Fever

So, as always weekend fever started since 5pm. After compiling all the tasks, making reports, I didn't feel like working at all. Though 5 more hours were left, I didn't bothered to do any task (there were no urgent tasks assigned, so not feeling guilty for that). Surfed internet, read blogs, posted comments, visited a new Social Networking website. Nothing could help me to bring me back to the Pavilion. Now, it's already 9:3o pm. Just half an hour to go. I'm here writing a Blog post :) and looking forward to a great, rejuvenating weekend.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Flowing with the Time

“Guzari hui zindagi ko yaad na kar , taqdeer me jo likha hai tu uski fariyad na kar. Jo hoga wo hokar rahega, tu fikar me uski apni hansi barbaad na kar.”

Read these line on one of my friends Blog and went back in my past when I had much more to worry about. Friends to fight with, boyfriend to hang around with, the enthusiasm to explore life kept me busy and entertained. But the scenario has changed now in past few couple of years. I got the job, came out of a miserable relationship, made new friends, achieved many things which I ever dream of. Though a lot is happening around me these days, I feel freezed sometimes. No emotions, no strings attached, nothing to expect, monotonous routine have made me a bit mechanical. I don't complain, as it makes me feel miserable. So, just flowing with the time. Don't know where it would take me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tired of Technology

So, after so many days of fighting with technology, I am here to bitch about it. Really, this weekend my "personal computer" left me exhausted and frustrated. I spent my complete two days on that machine (which I could have used better by watching a good romantic movie) just to access my personal mails. Sometimes, I really feel pity for us: "the corporate sluts" who have become soooo addicted to the world wide web that we can't remain away from it for long. Anyways, as we are not allowed to access our personal mails and other social networking website at our workplace, we are dependent on our pc's or the internet cafes for them. Sometimes I really crave to chat with my old friends on Orkut.

So, the story begins like this. As I had promised to one of my friends that I'll chat with her on Saturday morning, I wind up all my personal stuff fast and got in front of the p.c. sharp at 11 am. But the internet was not working. Unplugged wires, replugged them, restarted my p.c. and after all the efforts of 20 minutes, thank god the internet started working. Me and my friend were in between of an interesting conversation, again "Mr. I" got disconnected. I called up the customer care Executives 10 times, but they could not solve my problems.

As I had been facing this problem for long, I decided to take a new connection. I called up a friend, and he suggested me that I can take it from my Mobile. O.k., then I called up my service provider, collected all the information and felt a bit relieved that finally I will have access to a better internet connection. They asked me they'll arrange a call back for me on Sunday, so that I can set a connection in my p.c. Now, came the Sunday morning, the fight with technology started again from 10 am. After 10-15 calls, the connection could not be set. Because there was some software up gradation needed in the system. Hell! NO They have started the connection, but I can not use it, just because some settings could not be done. It left me feeling more tired and exhausted. O.M.G. What to do now? Only one thing came to my mind, to hell with this computer, mobile and internet.

Then, finally I went to one of the internet cafes and checked all my mails and informed my friend that internet was not working that day. Anyways, felt a bit relieved after that, but still wondering would I be able to cope up with this fast growing technology?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yup! You have got the Power

As we grow up we learn to speak, to behave properly and other stuff. Though our parents and siblings play an important role in shaping our attitude, friends also leave you with some great experiences and lessons. This reminds me of my very good friend. Yup! You guessed it right that’s my Ex. He always used to say that he always listens to his heart and advised me the same thing. But I never understood his point that time (may be I was too young to understand that). Anyways, breaking off with him made me mature in few days only. Pain inside me compelled me to do self analysis that why did I failed to judge the person. Though everything was clear and right in front of my eyes, but may be I was not ready and willing to see that. And after few days of recovering from my so called precious relationship, I realized that my heart was warning me all the time, but I was the one who was ignoring it just to chase the temporary contentment.

HAPPY REALIZATION! Better be late than never. Finally I have started listening to my heart. I live on my own terms. That doesn’t mean that I don’t adjust with people, but yes I have set my priorities and come what may, I am not gonna compromise them for anybody. That’s what I suggest to my friends now. Listen to your heart. You need not to search God for everything. He’s there in your heart guiding you every moment. You just have to start listening to that Inner voice coming out of your own Heart.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Not in a Mood ...

Sooo.... It had been a bad day. I had a serious argument with one of colleagues. I know I was a bit rude, but people need to be shown their place otherwise they think as if you are a dumb Ass. As I rarely fight or argue with people, that argument really affected my whole work. I didn't feel like working at all after that and felt like quitting the job. Oh god Why we feel so helpless sometimes. I know in this scenario, I can't leave the job until I find a new one. But really upset about it. Just want to control my anger and stay calm. Thank God I have few wonderful and caring friends over here who are there to lend an ear to my problems.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mind Your Own Business

So... Finally I have time to write the post. With growing tensions of falling economy, people are working hard to save their Ass and so am I. After all, we can't put our bread and butter on stake. Anyways, one thing is really bothering me for past few days. Why people don't mind their own business. I mean we all love bitching and gossiping about something or the other and yes I admit that like every other girl I love bitching too. But I can't do it for 24*7.

People are more worried about other's lives than their own. Like youngsters always crib about why the other chick/chap is looking so hot, Why they are more popular among opposite sex or dating multiple guys/gals at the same time. Discussions like this are always interesting but to an extent only. Sorry to say but I am least bothered with other's lives. What they do, eat or like really never grab my attention. Frankly I am ok with everything or you can say I accept people for who they are. Yeah, I am a normal human being who doesn't like to judge people and neither I don't prefer others to judge me.

I have my own priorities, my carrier, family, loved ones for whom I rarely get time. So, instead of worrying about the irrelevant people, I'd love to share my special attention or time to those who love me.

I really wanted to take it out. Feeling a bit relieved now :)