Okay, So, he is "Ryan". I love "Ryan". Yup ! I can say it as louder as I can. He is confident, good looking, fun-loving, a fitness freak like me and above all he's just like my Dream Man. The man I have been looking for since I understood the meaning of Love but not found yet. I know, I have had my own share of experiences with Guys, and dated some LOSERS, but they didn't have the potential to be called as "MY MAN". But As far as Ryan is concerned, he's the ULTIMATE person. May be not of your kinds, but he's the one I have been looking for.
I know next question is how did I meet him. So here it goes, One of my Good Friend had given me this Novel: "Five Point Someone" by Chetan Bhagat. And "Ryan" is one of the characters from the three main Guys of the Story. I hope I haven't disappointed you all. I know this is something really CRAZY. You must be wondering, how could anyone, fall in love with a character from a Novel. But, it is So. Ryan is just Awesome. He lives for the moment, loves his friends, holds his own opinion for situations. Though he's one of the under performers in his class, he has got that Grey matter to make things work. I really love this "Ryan" character. I don't know, whether I would ever find a Guy like him but yes, one thing I am sure about is that he's just like my "Dream Man". He's my Hero these days (Even I believe in living for the Moment). I have just read half of the Novel, but I am enjoying exploring more about him.