Friday, August 28, 2009

Dedicated to all my Awesome Girl Friends :)

Hey Girls! Here is a lovely poster. I found this on Cindy's Blog. Originally created by Heidi at daisybones, this poster is free to print, share, and use. It's Awesome and I dedicate it to all my girl friends (including the blogger friends). And last but not the least. I dedicate this to my G.O.B's (Gang of Bitches) and B.N.A.G.S. group (My post grad. girl friends)...

Click on it for a bigger version.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Circle of Influence - Makes a lot of Difference

Another pleasant morning with new hope and positive energy. The moment I got up from my bed, first thought that popped into my mind was: O.M.G, I'm late, rushed get ready. I could not even grab a sandwich or cup of tea, my cab people called me up : "Maaa'm ! your cab is waiting for you". Within 10 minutes I boarded the cab. Meanwhile the vendor called me up twice to inquire whether I have boarded the cab or not? Disgusting, and then started the fight. He blamed me for late boarding and I blamed him for informing me late. In short, I was so pissed off after that whole conversation (As you all know, I hate fighting or arguing with people :), and really try to avoid such situations). But sometimes, you can't control other people's frame of mind and the way behave.

Anyways, So, I was so pissed off that I called up my support system, my best friend to tell him about the incidence (At last we all need someone to bear all our frustration). So, I called him up and as another discussion session, he told me about the concept "Circle of Influence". Some of you might be aware of the term and concept. But as I was not familiar with the concept he explained me things by taking simple instance. Like take one instance:

First Instance: You got up late >> left for office in a hurry >> bad roads and traffic jam made you more frustrated >> then you reached office >> did some mistake in task >> Angry Manager calls you to discuss your mistakes >> and it left you more frustrated ... And what's the end result, your whole day got spoil.

Second Instance: You got up 15 minutes before the regular time >> Got ready >> Left for office on time >> no heavy traffic jams >> reached office on time >> Delivered your tasks on time >> Your boss satisfied >> And rewards :) ... Result: At the end of the day, you are happy and content.

So, what's the difference? just by changing the habit of getting up 15 minutes before your normal schedule, made your day. This is the circle of influence where one event influenced the other and made a lot of difference.

Moral of the Story: We can't control other people perceptions, actions and behaviors. So, rather than worrying about things which we can not control like traffic jams, bad mood of boss, bad roads, we should look in to ourselves and try to find out what are the other options which I can go for, to make my life more easy...

Think upon it .. I know it's very easy to give "GYAAN", but difficult to implement it. But try and change some of your habits or look out for other options which can make your life more easy and interesting. Till then Enjoy the roller coaster ride :)

PS: Thanks to my best friend for introducing me to "Circle of Influence".

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ever Been Caught ??

I was thinking about posting on my Blog for past 3-4 days, but could not get the time. Missed you all :)

Last weekend was good. Weather was pleasant as it was either drizzling or raining heavily all the time. After a long time of hot dhup and garmi it was like a great relief celebrating the weekend with Chai (tea) and Pakoras (snacks). Did loads of masti at home and enjoyed suring net.

Anyways, a weird thing happened to me last weekend. As you all know, I love bitching. So, as a normal thing I was sending this message to my sister bitching about some common friend. And imagine, in a hurry, I sent it to the same person about whom I was bitching. Imagine, it became really an awkward situation when that person called me back to inquire about the same. O.M.G, I was too shocked to handle the situation, but somehow I managed. Thank God, I didn't mention her name in the message, so I got a benefit of doubt. Really it was too embarrassing.

Well, this is not the first time I was in a situation. Here are some instances which I want to share with you.

When I was in school, this guy, whom I hated the most (I myself don't know why), So, I was bitching about him to my best friend that time. Though my friend was giving me all the hints that he is standing behind, I ignored her and continued bitching about him. And imagine, I turned and he was standing just behind me smiling. Caught Red Handed. I was speechless. My blood froze. What to do now. But the humble guy didn't say anything. From that day, my views changed for him.

Another day, I was in a function, bitching about an aunt, her make up and disastrous fashion style, and look she was standing near me. But, thank God she didn't listen anything or may be she just ignored it.

There are many instances, but these are the ones, which I remember till now. So gals, be careful while bitching next time :) And yeah, I would like you to share your experiences as well. So, please feel free to share them here... Till then Enjoy Bitching :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hi All !!!

Hi All ! I know it's been long since I updated my blog. Though I've been regularly posting comments on my other Blogger friends posts, I could not get time to write a post myself :) With increased targets at workplace, it's really difficult to indulge into my own interests. Anyways, in past couple of days, I have many things to share with all of you. Here are few updates:

1. Celebrated my Birthday. Thanks to my lovely team members and GOBs, for giving me such an exciting surprise :) .. We had a full celebration, from cake cutting ceremony to accepting gifts. This B'day I received maximum gifts I think. 2 t-shits and 4 kurtis and 2 Novels.. O.M.G... I was so happy.

2. Our monthly targets have increased, not so happy. But we can't help it.

3. Then came Raksha Bandhan. Loads of sweets and celebrations. Enjoyed the day with my siblings and relatives.

4. Fourth and the last one. Swine Flu. Heyyyy wait wait wait, don't think that I'm suffering from that, fortunately we are safe and I wish everybody remains safe specially the kids.

Yesterday, I was chatting with one of my blogger friends and she told me that situation is really bad in her city. All schools, colleges, institutions, cinema halls and malls are closed as a precautionary measure to avoid the Flu. Really, even people in Delhi are also worried about the flu. People in our office have started wearing those masks. Though, the things are a bit serious, but with some precautions we can avoid it.

You can have a complete idea about the Flu and how it spreads from Wikipedia.

There are antiviral medicines you can take to prevent or treat swine flu. Though, there is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu, you can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza by following precautions.

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. You can also use alcohol-based hand cleaners.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
  • Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
  • Stay home from work or school if you are sick.

At last I would suggest, don't panic and take care :)

T0 make things a bit lighter, try this test.

Here is an interesting test that will give you the opportunity to learn what such things as love, relationships, betrayal, sympathy mean to you.

I hope I don’t have to explain that the test is having a comic aspect, take it with humor winked

Here are my results :)

Scanner of your heart (

1. Your choice symbolizes a person whom you could like in real life situations.
Deer - Elegant and well-mannered.

2. Your choice symbolizes the impression that you want to have on people.
Horse - Optimism.

3. Your choice symbolizes a behavior that would make you finish your relationship with your partner (beloved one).
Crocodile - Cruelty (ruthlessness) of your partner.

4. Your choice symbolizes a type of relationship that you would like to have with your partner (beloved one).
Bird - Your goal - long-term relationship.

5. Your choice shows if you are capable to cheat.
Person - it is unlikely that you cheat.

6. Your choice shows your attitude to marriage.
Bengal tiger- For you, marriage is something very precious, when you get married, you will greatly appreciate your marriage and your other half.

7. Your choice shows your attitude to love.
Dove - For you, love is an equal relationship between two people.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

50 Random Thoughts - Part of Tagging Game

1. O.M.G .. It's so silent at the workplace
2. Nobody has come yet :(
3. I must listen to some peppy number.
4. "Jugni" from "Oye Lucky Lucky Oye" is my favorite these days.
5. LOL :) this song is soo funny.
6. Waiting for my colleagues to come, some of them are really funny.
7. I hate waking up in the morning.
8. Why do we need to work.
9 Can't I get a rich, husband? Anybody reading..
10. T.G.I.F.F.F - Thank God It's Freaky Fucking Friday :)
11. Want to fly high in the sky without wings.
12. Breakfast was good.
13. Feeling sleepy now.
14. Have to achieve the supposed targets.
15. Why Boss is always right ?
16. When would I become "The Boss".
17. Ok I would not mind if I become some Manager's or VP's wife :)
18. Will do loads of shopping.
19. I love Kids.
20 Me and my kids will do loads of masti with Papa Darling :)
21. Still nobody has come.
23. O.M.G is anybody coming or not?
24. Really tiring to complete this tag.
25. But, thanks to Jalpari for tagging me :)
26. "Love Aaj Kal" is a good movie.
27. Loved its songs.
28. Waiting for tonight, so that I can go and sleep tight.
29. Want to get out of here asap.
30. Don't know when the day would come :(
31. I need to go for a hair cut this weekend.
32. But I hate waiting in Parlor for my turn to come.
33. These Parlor walis really suck (self boasting Bitches) .
34. Have to do loads of stuff, threading, waxing ... OMG.
35. Will make Manchurian this weekend.
36. I love "Ryan" LOL :) How could I forget him.
37. Ryan is a character from book "Five Point Someone".
37. I know, I'm mad... mad after my dream man.
38. Have to complete 2 other Novels gifted by my Best Buddy.
39. O.k. I have a call.
40. I love our GOBs (Gang of Bitches) team.
41. I haven't done anything yet.
42. Boss would kill me, who cares :)
43. I'll complete the targets.
44. Did I mention, I hate my job on Fridays.
45. Five more thoughts to write down.
46. Nobody in the team has come yet.
47. Where the hell, they got stuck, It's 9:45 a.m. already.
48. It was fun doing it.
49. Thanks Jalpari for tagging me. And love you Angie, for inspiring me write the tags :)
50. Bye, C YA :)