The movie was awesome and so the characters played by the stars. I was literally, in tears after watching the movie and was thinking, when would I find my Gerry? The one person - my soulmate, my best pal, who'll love me with all his heart and whose world will revolve around me. Of Course, I don't want him to die before me, but I would love to spend my whole life with such a great lover and would love to die in his arms. I don't know, whether I would find a person who'll love me more than me but yeah, I keep hopes in my heart that one day, my dream will come true and my man will come to me and will tell me "Hey Ann! I love You and can't live without you". How Romantic no.. All ladies out there, do you also think like me? Are you also searching for your soulmate, your best pal?
Please share..