Friday, August 27, 2010

Jo Beet Gayi so Baat Gayi

I just love this poem.. Wanted to share. So, read on.. Whenever you'll feel regret for anything. This will help..

जीवन में एक सितारा था
माना वह बेहद प्यारा था
वह डूब गया तो डूब गया
अंबर के आंगन को देखो
कितने इसके तारे टूटे
कितने इसके प्यारे छूटे
जो छूट गए फ़िर कहाँ मिले
पर बोलो टूटे तारों पर
कब अंबर शोक मनाता है
जो बीत गई सो बात गई

जीवन में वह था एक कुसुम
थे उस पर नित्य निछावर तुम
वह सूख गया तो सूख गया
मधुबन की छाती को देखो
सूखी कितनी इसकी कलियाँ
मुरझाईं कितनी वल्लरियाँ
जो मुरझाईं फ़िर कहाँ खिलीं
पर बोलो सूखे फूलों पर
कब मधुबन शोर मचाता है
जो बीत गई सो बात गई

जीवन में मधु का प्याला था
तुमने तन मन दे डाला था
वह टूट गया तो टूट गया
मदिरालय का आंगन देखो
कितने प्याले हिल जाते हैं
गिर मिट्टी में मिल जाते हैं
जो गिरते हैं कब उठते हैं
पर बोलो टूटे प्यालों पर
कब मदिरालय पछताता है
जो बीत गई सो बात गई

मृदु मिट्टी के बने हुए हैं
मधु घट फूटा ही करते हैं
लघु जीवन ले कर आए हैं
प्याले टूटा ही करते हैं
फ़िर भी मदिरालय के अन्दर
मधु के घट हैं,मधु प्याले हैं
जो मादकता के मारे हैं
वे मधु लूटा ही करते हैं
वह कच्चा पीने वाला है
जिसकी ममता घट प्यालों पर
जो सच्चे मधु से जला हुआ
कब रोता है चिल्लाता है
जो बीत गई सो बात गई

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Batein bhul jaati hain, yadein yaad aati hain

Life is colorful. We all have had our share of experiences and our lives our different. But then, whenever we look back, time leaves us with good experiences that add to our sweet memories and bad experiences from which we learn lessons.

Here I am sharing certain lessons I've learnt from my past experience. Sharing with you all.

Don't expect much: However, this might seem a bit difficult as expectations rise with time. But it's always good to keep your expectations low from people. You will always remain Happy. It works at least for me.

Either you accept it or you Accept it: Certain things to situations are not in our hands. So, better to leave them and move on. After all, life is not to regret every now and then.

Give your best to every relationship, but still if it doesn't workout, leave it on destiny. You can't please everyone. So, live life your own way.

Go By your Gut Feeling: Our heart is the best guide. I believe in god, but not the one who is in temples, but it is the one inside us. Yes, our heart is the god, who warns us and tells us the truth, if you'll start listening yo your heart than, you would never fail in taking decisions.

Don't blind faith: Never blind faith anyone. There are only few people who will not break your trust. So, "dikhawon pe na jaao, Apni akal ladao."

And last but not the least, Live and Let others live: Means, Live life on your own terms. Don't bound people. If they are your true mates, they'll always stay with you.

Ok enough of this Gyaan. This is what I've learnt from my life till now. Share your experiences and what you've learnt.

Monday, August 23, 2010


So, Sunday was fun. I went to my one of the members of "B.N.A.G.S" (Ok if you don't know about this: It was our group's name in MCA). So, I met "S" yesterday. The weather was so pleasant and it was drizzling. We gossiped, bitched and roam around in Cannaught Place (the central point of Delhi). It was too good to be out in rain after such a long time. So, I'm feeling a bit great about it.

Now here are few inspirational quotes for my fellow bloggers who are not feeling too great. Hope it helps.

"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe "

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Treat- Asshole - Weekend

Was not able to figure out the proper title for this blog post, so I summarized it and put it. Actually, I was down with fever from past two days. With changing weather, viral is common nowadays. This is the worst feeling, I tell you. Everything seems soooo tasteless and then the weakness. And above that, I am pissed off with the IT guy. Every morning we have to run after him to get our internet connected. **ASSHOLE**. Why all IT people are assholes? Don't mind but I've seen in every organization, these IT people have their own attitude as if they are the king of the organization.

Ok, keep that asshole aside. So, I got first salary since I've joined this organization. And as per the policy, my colleagues were demanding a treat. So, two of us contributed and treated them with snacks. It was kind of small get together and fun. I got to know many people whom I used to consider bad. Through this get together I came to know that they are actually nice to talk to. So, slowly and gradually, I am adapting to this new environment and enjoying it. Now, I am looking forward to next week as it's going to be a real fun. 1. Rakhi is on Tuesday. 2. I have to attend a friend's weeding on Thursday and then finally, I'll be getting 2 off (Sat & Sun) after that. So, really excited about that.

Ok then, see you later as I have to catch that IT Assh**le :)

Love you all,

Thursday, August 12, 2010


With time I have gained something and that is "Patience." Patience to accept people as they are, patient to wait for things to happen, patience to work in very hard conditions, patience to accept destiny and then move on ... the list is long. Yesterday, it rained heavily in NCR and most of the routes were either blocked or were jam-packed with people and traffic. It took me three hours to reach home which otherwise is just a matter of 45 minutes. But I enjoyed that also. While waiting for bus, I was enjoying the rain and started talking to a strange gal. Within few minutes, we became friends and started bitching about people rushing for bus and the jam. You know, gals will be gals. Then after half an hour, I got an auto, and I got to sit on driver's seat with him. Initially, it was awkward, then I started watching other people and it became a joy ride then. Really, things which once used to be a big deal have now become very small issue. Now we have some big issues to look upon, and these small small things hardly irritate me. Overall, yesterday's experience was quite fun and I enjoyed the 3 hours of adventure :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

I Believe in Change

As I always say "I believe in Change." as nothing is permanent. So, day before yesterday, our team (office) got shifted to the third floor. Earlier, I was a bit depressed as people out here are freshers and behave like kids. I was all the time bitching about them. But as the day passed, I started adapting to the change and now am feeling good about it. Then yesterday, My TL informed me tat he is not coming today and again I've to communicate to all other deptt. heads on his behalf. Earlier, I felt so burdened, but then I felt I can't run from my responsibilities like this. I need to take initiatives and show people that yes, I can very well handle things on my own. Now my TL hasn't come today, and I am replying to mails on his behalf, editing articles, attending meetings and all. In short, though it's hectic but I'm enjoying it.

So, the morale of the story is we must not be scared of the Changes. As changes bring new challenges and opportunities to adapt to the new enviro... And you become the fittest to survive in this wicked world (I hope all of you must have read that "Survival of the Fittest" theory). Now, have to rush for another project. Till later, loads of love and take care.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Sometimes some of our experiences leave us with so many questions like: Why this happened to me? Why only I am suffering.. and so on.. And when we look around for answers, we find nothing but get confused and feel more pain. Here is a nice quote, that I found on one of my blogger friend's space.

Just felt like sharing it with all of you. So,those in search of all their unanswered questions, read on... It will definitely help:

"I beg you... to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without ever noticing it, live your way into the answer." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Take Care,

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ye kahan Aa Gaye Hum.....

Listening "Main aur meri tanhai... ye kahan aa gaye hum yu hi sath-sath chalte" from the movie "Silsile". While listening to this song I was thinking, till now I've met so many people in life. Some were best friends, some were just friends and there are some whose name I remember, but not the faces. So, in short, some were there for a reason, some were there for a season :) .. And life will go on like this. One day, our life will be like a book classified into various chapters. Some chapters with joy and full of life while other chapters filled with disappointments and sorrows. Then, one day, we'll remember these days and will laugh at some of our experiences like how we used to react... It would be a colorful collage. I don't know how the remaining journey is going to be, but hope when I'll die, I'll say: "What a wonderful journey" and will close my eyes peacefully. Amen.