Monday, September 13, 2010

The Monkey and the Crocodile

Hi All! Mausam Mausam Lovely Mausam :) .. Yeah, weather is really lovely outside.. It's raining heavily outside and I feel like just get drenched in the rain. But, afsos.. nahi kar sakti... As I'm in office.. Well, here is a small story from Panchtantra..

Hope you will like the story. Read on...

The Monkey and the Crocodile

Here is another interesting tale from the Panchatantra collection. Long ago, there lived a monkey named Raktamukha, on a Jamun (Black-berry) tree by the side of a river. The tree was always full of fruits, which were as sweet as nectar. The Monkey used to eat fruits from the tree. Raktamukha was happily passing his days jumping from one tree to another. Once, a crocodile named Karalamukha came out of the waters and took rest under the tree on which the monkey lived.

Raktamukha, who was sitting high on a branch, saw the crocodile taking rest under the tree. The monkey became very eager to talk to the crocodile. Since he had no friends, he wanted to make friends with him. Addressing the crocodile, Raktamukha said, “As you’re taking rest under the tree, you’re my guest and it’s my duty to offer you food.” The monkey gave a lot of Jamuns to the crocodile to eat. The crocodile ate them to his fill. He thanked the monkey for his generosity and went home.

Karalamukha started coming ashore everyday and enjoy the fruits offered by the monkey. Soon they became good friends. Both of them started spending time with each other discussing the world. One day, the crocodile asked the monkey for some Jamuns to take for his wife. The Monkey happily gave the fruits to the crocodile. The crocodile took the fruits cheerfully to his wife and also narrated the whole story to her.

After eating the fruits, the crocodile's wife was overjoyed and said to her husband, "Dear, if these fruits are so tasty, then the monkey who eats these fruits must be ten times tastier. Why don't you bring the heart of this monkey for my meals?” The crocodile was stunned to hear such words from his wife. He replied,” Sweetheart, the monkey is my friend. It would not be fair to take his heart”. The crocodile’s wife was shrewd and pleaded with her husband to bring monkey’s heart for her. The crocodile was unwilling to deceive his friend, but then she insisted on not eating anything till he brought her monkey’s heart.

The Crocodile was left with no other option, but to bring monkey’s heart for his wife. He was afraid that how could he ask for such thing from his friend. He devised a plan and rushed to the monkey. Raktamukha was waiting for his dear friend for the daily meeting. Reaching ashore, Karalamukha asked the monkey in a sad tone, "My wife and I invite you to our home for a dinner. My wife is very angry with me for not having invited you earlier". He stated that his wife is anxious to meet such a nice friend.

Poor monkey didn’t know about the plan and believed the story of crocodile. He asked the crocodile,” I accept your invitation, but how will I go with you? I don’t know how to swim?” The crocodile replied,” Don’t worry. Come and sit on my back. I‘ll take you to my house.” The monkey happily sat on the back of the crocodile and they started their journey. The crocodile entered in the deep waters with an intention to kill the monkey. The monkey got scared to see water all around and asked the crocodile to move slowly.

The crocodile thought that now he could reveal his real intentions to the monkey, as it was impossible for him to escape from the middle of the river. The crocodile gullibly said to the monkey, “I am taking you to my home to please my wife. She wants to eat your heart. She says that since you eat tasty fruits day and night, your heart must be ten times tastier than those fruits."

The monkey was taken aback to hear these words. He had never expected this type of a request from a friend. He kept cool and said wittingly, "Oh dear! Why didn’t you tell me earlier? It would be my privilege to offer my heart to your charming wife. I usually keep my heart safely in the burrow of the tree. In order to serve my heart to your wife, I have to go back to get my heart.”

The foolish crocodile swiftly then swam back to the tree where the monkey lived. On reaching the bank the monkey quickly jumped off the crocodile’s back and climbed up his home tree. The crocodile was in a hurry and realized that the monkey was taking too long in getting his heart. Impatiently he asked, “What is the delay? Get you heart. My wife will be very happy.”

By the time, the monkey had realized that this was a rebirth for him. The monkey laughed and answered, "My dear foolish friend. You've deceived me as a friend. Can any one take out his heart and keep that in a burrow. It was all a trick to save my life and teach a lesson to an unfaithful friend like you. Now go away and don’t ever come back." The crocodile was ashamed for his act and went home with his head bent down.

Moral: At times, presence of mind pays well.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So.. the weekend was fun. My parents had invited some unwanted guests, which I didn't want to attend. It was like, how to escape the sitution. Hence, I made a plan to meet my MCA batchmate.. The weather was awsome. Though we were at her home only, but we enjoyed a lot. We were 4 - Me, my friend, her younger brother and his friends. We gossiped about their galfriends, then played cards..and then her brother made delicious rajma chawal. Now I came to know, why men are called better chefs. After that we went to market and enjoyed. Overall, it was a great day and I was like, better I came here otherwise I had to tolerate those guests. Anyways...

On sunday, I watched "Hannah Montana" and "Tere Bin Laden". Both were fun to watch. And yeah, those who've not watched "Tere Bin Laden" must watch it. It's a good comedy movie. One more thing.. Last night we had a piza party at home. And theit Choco LAVA was just delicious.. Mmmmmm.... Yummmy.... I can't resist.

So, overall, it was a good weekend. Now an sitting in the ofice waiting for that IT Asshole. My net is not working :( .. Why do we have just 2 days off :( Why these Mondays...

Anyways guys, enjoy and have a nice week ahead.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dedicated to My Blogger Friend

Well my readers mean a lot to me and so their suggestions and comments. One of my readers Rajesh, asked me to write a post on good blogging techniques. So, here is the post.

Though: I have taken the points from internet, but I've mentioned my personal experience as well. So, read on.

Top 10 Tips for Blogging:

10. Write at least five major “pillar” articles. A pillar article is usually a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are longer than 500 words and have lots of very practical tips or advice.

My Experience: I have written few educational posts like: "FAKO", "Choose your words/actions well", "Circle of Influence" and got some great comments as well. By this, you can let people know your interest and ideas.

9. Write one new blog post per day minimum. Not every post has to be a pillar, but you should work on getting those five pillars done at the same time as you keep your blog fresh with a daily news or short article style post.

My Take: Well, I'm not that regular. Work keeps me busy but I try to update the blog as soon as possible. Frequent updates keep your visitors interested in your blog.

8. Use a proper domain name. In order for people to easily spread the word about your blog you need a easily remember-able domain name. People often talk about blogs they like when they are speaking to friends in the real world, so you need to make it easy for them to spread the word and pass on your URL.

My Take; I named my blog after a very careful thinking. It's like I am a person ho lives in past (most of the times), so my blog will help in cherishing the beautiful moments, I'd love to remember always.

7. Start commenting on other blogs. One of the best ways to find the right type of reader for your blog is to comment on other people’s blogs.

My advice: Yeah, leaving comments will attract other bloggers to your blog. You can make new friends and share ideas :)

6. Trackback and link to other blogs in your blog posts: When you write a new article to your blog and it links or references another blogger’s article you can do a trackback to their entry.

My Take: Honestly, I could not understand this point myself :) So, kindly adjust ..

5. Encourage comments on your own blog. One of the most powerful ways to convince someone to become a loyal reader is to show there are other loyal readers already following your work. To encourage comments you can simply pose a question in a blog post. Be sure to always respond to comments as well so you can keep the conversation going.

My advice: I do it most of the times, try and reply to my reader's comments.

4. Submit your latest pillar article to a blog carnival. A blog carnival is a post in a blog that summarizes a collection of articles from many different blogs on a specific topic. The idea is to collect some of the best content on a topic in a given week.

My Take: I haven't tried this. So, can't comment or explain on this.

3. Submit your blog to To be honest this tip is not going to bring in a flood of new readers but it’s so easy to do and only takes five minutes so it’s worth the effort.

My Experience: Will surely try this. Hope it will be of some help.

2. Submit your articles to This is another tip that doesn’t bring in hundreds of new visitors immediately but it’s worthwhile because you simply leverage what you already have – your pillar articles. Once a week or so take one of your pillar articles and submit it to Ezine Articles.

My Take: Well, Ezine is a big Name and I don't find myself that good writer to submit into it. But, if you are, give it a try and let me know.

1. This one is My original advice: Write whatever you feel like. Afterall, it's your blog and you have every write to show your emotions and what you feel.

Hope these tips will be helpful. Till later, keep Blogging
