Monday, March 2, 2009

Learn Some Manners... For God's Sake

It feels quite disturbing when people forget basic manners or Chivalry (most appropriate word) to treat ladies. Other day one of my very good friends was telling this incidence, people looking forward to get their son married keep infeasible expectations. They ask weird kind of questions like what is your height? (Thank God, they don't ask What's your Vital stats?), how much you earn? (Does your son wants to be dependent on his wife's salary?). Such things really suck. I know, in arranged marriages, people prefer to be a bit cautious, after all you don't know the other person, and for marriage it's required to get all the details. But man, is it ok to insult the poor girl who is sitting there in front of you and not saying anything just for the sake of her parents. Can't you ask such questions in more respectful manner? Get a life man! Females these days are not dumb mules. They are well educated and self dependent. So, why do they have to tolerate such kind of behaviors from people. Can't you guys respect females ????


Akum said...

WOW that was a real post, straight from the heart. To all those out there GET A LIFE.

So sad that girls still get treated like that..The world seriously needs a revolution against all these Social discrimination.

Ann said...

Thanks A.K. Yeah ! People really need to learn some basic manners. Like Sex Education, a new subject "Basic Manners and Personality Development" should be made compulsory in schools.

CutePriya said...

I too agree with you...I hate women who treat women like an object of bully. It's high time...Wake up 'Guys'...we are as equal and as self-respecting as you are...Try bullying a man equal to your strength and will get it straight on your face swollen...

Ann said...

Yup ! Priya .. I need that kinda aggression in females to save their self respect and dignity. After all, we are not here to get judged by other idiots ...

Thoughts Know No Bounds said...

I hate these kind of disgusting guys....It shows their cheap mentality....Guys plz grow up and learn some basic manners....specialy how to talk wid a girl....

Marriage is not a joke...its a realtionship of trust, belief and much more....

Please respect this relationship....