As they say Women love Make up and Shopping when they are depressed. This is true for me. Yesterday, I was feeling not so Good, went home, slept, woke up and listened to some of my favorite songs. Another hectic Day was ahead of me. So, to make it more interesting and refreshing, I decided to put my new dress, which I bought last weekend (that shopping was also done to cheer me up). So, finally I put the dress, put some make up and left for the Office. And see what, I was already feeling Gooood. Alps and Samy gave me nice complements. We clicked some picture and believe me Samy is a great photographer. So, we clicked some pics. People were giving nice complements and all this filled me with loads of positive energy and here I am now, happy, relaxed and working positively. So, Ladies, believe me it works!!! Do some changes, and feel good about it. After all, it's all about the inner contentment :)
And one more thing, Happy Weekend :) Do lots of shopping, go out with friends and Enjoy...