I know I gave my 100% to my previous relationship, still it didn't work out. I know he didn't deserve me. I know he was not that into me. Still, why do I still miss him. At the end of the Day, why I ask God what went wrong? Can't he come back and say "Yes I love you and I need you". I know It's not gonna happen. Still we keep hoping for things.
Rite now, I am neither hurt nor happy, but still feel something is missing.
Awwwww.... Hugs Ann... I can 100% relate to you... Nothing's wrong just remember:
"If god is not answering your prayers, he is busy finding the right person for you"
Smile Honey, there are other things to cheer up. Why waste time thinking abt fools who don't knw ur true "worth"...
Your Prince Charming is 'On the Way'
Thanks Priya :)
Shits happens in life... Its really tough to forget someone you love even after breaking up...
find a new one....and the right one !
there is no pt sulking..this life is too long not to find love again !
All the best !
Hey hun,
I know how that feels. Sometimes somethings feel soo right but then they are not meant to be. And when you've given it your all, you feel an emptiness at not having it being reciprocated the way you thought it would be.
But life, I tell you. It's crazy. When you expect so much from it, nothing happens. But when you are just having fun or being yourself, it catches you off guard and takes your breath away. So yes, try to get over that feeling and hopefully you will soon.
A big hug for you in the meantime! Hows your fling with Ryan? ;)
Sometimes, somethings are just meant not to happen.... things just won't work!!
I've been through something like this, although not so intensely.. Thank God as I had people around who would listen to me...
Find people to talk to- to share your joys and sorrows both..
That's an advice even I'm trying to follow :)
Sorry if I've been too preachy- just expressed whatever i felt
It's good to be optimistic,but it becomes bad for the health,if we dont accept the realities of life.:)
God Bless you!
Be well!!
Kya bolu main....?
This times are quite temporary..it takes time to heal...just give time to it...
Can i say that blue rose was beautiful and suited your blue situation....
well, in life ,aal such things happen , they come and they go.. sometimes they leave a vaccume, which can not be filled in this lifetime..
but carry on.. life has more surprices for you ..
take care. god bless you ..
if time permits , please read my poems and comment.
Awww i know what u mean ...But hopefully when u find the right one then you wont have to ask god what went wrong :)
Happen's....dun worry
Lotsa luv
Hope is the rope that swings you through life.........keep up the hope, also please remember you are special and only a deserving person shall be accorded your company. The best thing in this situation is to move on in life.
Come on girl... Life is too short for worrying... You said yourself you deserve someone better...
@ Ms.R.
Thanks Miss R ! For empathizing with me. Yeah I do miss Ryan, Though the novel is over... but I still think about him sometimes... And waiting for Someone like him to com into my life :)
Lots of Luv Sweety :)
@ kaushal
Thank you Kaushal! I know talking is the best remedy... I have few wonderful friends with whom I share my stuff... And it really feels great when people like you come on my Blog and share your experiences and suggestions. Thanks again for being there.. :)
@ Vijay Kumar Sappatti
Thanks Vijay ! for dropping by, I'll surely read your Blog
@ fms1988
Thank You fms :)
@ Nikholic
Thanks you Nics for your good Wishes . Take Care :)
such things happen in life..
but u have to learn to overcome such trouble n hope for a better tomorrow.. :)
keep smiling
so true...
We do face such circumstances, but then wallowing on an old would is senseless. Move on with life and bring a greater deal of urgency. This weekend see 'Jab We Met' and flush down the memories just as Kareena did.
I know how it feels. i've been through the same. My past still haunts me. :(
Keep yourself busy. Make new friends. You need a good vacation. Everthing will be fine in the end, if it's not fine then it's not the end.
He never deserved you.
Cheer up girl!!
you deserve someone better. :-)
Annie Luv is very B'ful....Alws Remember him as most b'ful part of ur life....rather than worst part....It will make u smiling...
I know how you feel. I've been through rough steps too before this. The wound healed but there's a gap missing that is waiting to be fill.
Be strong(:
I know how it feels..but trust me it all wrks out in the end..just rembr he didnt deserve u...u deserve sum1 much better...I know its easier said thn done..but trust me..i have been thru it..and when u meet The One..all these sorrows and frustrations will pale in comparision.
@ Shanu
Thank U Shanu ! For empathising with me :)
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