T.G.I.F - Thank God It's Friday. The week had been too tiring especially yesterday evening. Finally it rained heavily in Delhi (NCR) last evening. Everybody was so happy to feel the rain after such a long time of unbearable hot weather. But the problem started when we left the office. Streets were clogged with water and jammed with vehicles. As most of the working shifts get over by 6 p.m. everybody was rushing back home and it took us around 3 hours to reach the home and left us exhausted. I had my dinner and jumped into the bed as there was no energy left to do anything else. Then Alarm rang at 6:15 am. First I felt like what the hell is this? I 'm not going to Office. But, as we all know Corporate Bitches can't be lazy all the time. I got up, got ready for the office and boarded the cab.
Now I'm feeling too exhausted to do any work. Still working, so that I can enjoy my weekend, relaxing in my couch, watching movies, eating momos.... oooohhhhhhhhhh... Feeling sleepy now.. I think I need to go, grab a cup of Coffee...
Happy Weekend to you all :) Enjoy. Will be back soon.
happy weekend, tk rest !
Enjoy your weekend sweety... eat, sleep, have fun!
Awwee you deserve a grand weekend! Hope you get one!
PS Couldn't help but tell you about a time when I was caught in waterlogging. I folded my pants upto my knees and I sneaker was soaked! And then I pass this undefinably dirty area cuz I had no other choice. When I got out, I felt something funny on my shin. And there was this HUGE cockroach licking my sexy legs! LOL! Needless to say, I screamed my mind off! :P
happy weekend babe.. have a good sleep you will have all the energy to get back to your job Monday morning
G N D,
Navigated to your space from comments on Cocoberry. Read all available posts. At your age one does get little confused but keep your focus on your aim and you will do well. We all crib about our work or situations but as long as it is withing limits without hurting or harming anyone it is ok. So nice to hear that your realised worth of a housewife. Whenever some lady on asking if she is working replies in sort of ashamed manner that she is only a housewife, I tell her that this is one profession which is 7 X 24 with NO compensation, NO leave, NO appreciation and SO noble. Enjoyed your frank replies to those questions. Loneliness does get on nerves. Hope you are having a nice week-end and will be fully charged for work on Monday.
Do visit me if you find time. I would appreciate your views on many of my posts, specially on human relaitons.
Take care
take rest honey... :)
have a nice weekend.... the best way to celebrate is EAT , DRINK and MERRY :D
@ Hopeless Romantic
Thanks Amit :)
@ CutePriya
Thanks Priya. You too enjoy your weekend.
@ Angie, The Rehab Reject
LOL. That cockroach must have had fun rolling on your sexy legs :)
@ Rajalakshmi Umapathy
Thanks Rajalakshami
@ Jack
Thanks Jack for reading my posts and appreciating it. Your comments really matter a lot to me. I'll definitely visit your blog :)
@ http://whysoserioustoday.blogspot.com
Thanks :) Same to you ...
@ Dr. Chandana Shekar
Yep ! I will :) thanks for dropping by ...
@ Suyog
Yeah Wonderful suggestiona Suyog. You too have a great weekend. Enjoy .
hey G N D
linked up t ur post frm Angie n coco
water cloggin in delhi .. miss dem nw days wen used to enjoy(had no option) streets clogged wid water.. ;P
haven't gone through the other post will see dem around.. hope had a gt weekend!! t/c
damn.. i dint knew kareena kapoor ws followin my blogs :P hahahahahahaha... no offense woman jst dat i find it funny wid ppl puttin up pictures f so cald celebrities.. u dnt wana put ur pic fine.. u gota b havin ur reasons.. ahh nehw u seem 2b big fan f TIGF.. or freakin fucking fridays if i may say so..pheeww. ....wonder y ppl r considerin fridays as freaky n fucking... lol... again gota b havin ur own fundas ...(knw wot unfollow my link if u feel lyk.. :P) ws jst randomly goin thru ur posts n hapnd 2 read 1.. wid corporate bitches in der.. :P (a glint in d eye)..hahahahaha.. gues dats y d fridays getin al freaky n fucked up.. chalo enuf of my wit or dimwit :P.. as u mayb find it.... wud catch up certain othr posts f urs.. n probably leave commnts 2 :P.. i love dat more den bloggin u c.. diff behaviour in diff human beings.. so like dey say..keep postin n hapi bloggin.. n my comments r all in gud n easy spirit no offense 2 ne1... cya BEBO :P hahahahaha
hey hi.. :D... now d display pic seems like it.. no more BEBO :P :P haha... kudos 2u gurl
Thanks Shobhit :)
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