Although, I have done many blunders in my childhood, but they were not major. As far as I remember, today is the first day and first moment of my life where I took a major decision without consulting anyone (not even my parents or any close friend). Yeah, I resigned from my job. I don't know the reason exactly, but I was not finding it interesting and satisfying. Everyone from my colleagues to T.L. to Business manager were asking me the reasons.. And I was like, I'm not satisfied. Although people around me are telling me that why you do this in such a haste, but seriously, I don't have any regrets for that. I don't know whether I will find a better job or not? Whether they will break the bond or not? Nothing.. All I know is that today for the first time, I listened to my heart rather than using my head. And I'm feeling, free, relieved and Content.. Let's see where Life takes me now..
Till later,
Take Care,