Past few months have been a bit weird, I had new idea where I am heading and what will be stored in future. I have lived my life through planning and a careful behaviour. Though, I've enjoyed it till now, but still feel that I was living in a Box. A box of self made restrictions, obligations and duties. But, this year, 2010 has been a rough year in many ways and now I've learned that no one can plan or plot things as per their will. It's the destiny somewhere that plays its role and directs us. So, I surrender. Now, onwards, I'll just live for the moment and will not plan for future. Yeah, I'm putting a full stop to Planning and Thinking for time Being as suggested by "S" - My friend.
I surrender to joyBecauseJoy is power.I surrender to loveBecauseLove is a power sublime.I surrender to onenessBecauseOneness is the measureless power.I surrender to GodBecauseGod is the absolute Power supreme.Take Care,
Hope you enjoy your new journey!
Yeah...Yeah...yeah...that's the way to go gurl....even i am breaking rules and taking life as it comes...and it's so RELAXING...:)
@Sameera: Thanks.. Yeah, am looking forward to a better journey.
@CutePriya: I know.. Let your hair down and dream whatever you want ;)
We all get what is destined but that does not mean at all that we stop striving and just be passive for things to happen. One needs to have direction and that comes from applying your mind to chart out your route but at the same time one should be ready to have flexibility if things do not go the way one wishes. Planning is totally different from plotting or scheming.
Take care
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