Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hope Continues... What's Next ??

Listening to the song: "Noor-E-Khuda" from the movie "My Name is Khan." Some songs, fragrances or incidents always remind us of some special people who touched our lives at some or the other point of time. Likewise, this song reminds me of all my friends, best of friends and acquitances, who came in my life, gave me some sweet memories and then left behind the incomplete stories, cut communication, misunderstandings, anger and much more! Sometimes, I think whether I will be able to meet them again in my life? Would I be able to tell them, that how did I felt at that point of my life when they left? or is this the end of it all? the mystery continues.. but the hope is always there. My sub conscious mind tell me that .. no it's not the end of it. I'll meet them in heaven or hell (God knows)..or may be in my next life. And then, it reminds me of the last scene in the movie "Titanic," where Rose (the lead actress) looks back to find Jack (the lead actor) waiting downstairs for her. So, will it happen with me as well? Will I be able to meet my loved ones and pals in heaven? The question remains unanswered yet. I don't know when the mystery will resolve but the hope continues.....


Akum said...

Hey girls, how is life.. Been busy for a while.. could not even visit your blog... If you want to meet me after this life, you better drag your ass to hell because that's where I'll be.. LOL

Rajesh Kumar said...

Hey Ann,
You know "Everything at the end is always good. If it is not good then it is not the end".
This song is awesome...world is very small..you will definitely meet them.Also now the tech is so high that you can contact them by different means...its just a question of one phone call or one sms or one email or one facebook text or one orkut scrap or one gtalk ping or one ymessenger ping... :P
I follow one funda...Never ever loose your good friends whatever be the reason...try it out...
This heaven logic is something we can't control..but the logic applies in this world is in our circle of influence so try it out here only...not in heaven.. who knows we end up as Yamdoot... Neither heaven nor hell :P

Jack said...


Read 2 posts now. One does miss friends, specially on festivals. During the course of life one meets and parts with so many good or bad people. Memories remain. It is so pleasing when one meets someone after a long gap and then share thoughts of old days. Live life as it comes.

Take care

Dimitri said...

Very very true. That is the saddest thing about growing up for me. Many of my friends recently left for College, and I couldn't help but thinking, 'will I ever get to see them again?" Facebook is just not the same to me. What's saddest is when it's your own family that you become unknown to, mainly extended. My grandpa just turned 80 (and still choppin wood lol), and I am leaving in 1 1/2 years, and I keep thinking "did we do enough together, did I made the best of this relationship?" Now I am rethinking time spent with friends.

Ann said...

@AK: Lolzz.. I myself expect to be in the hell.. :)

@Rajesh: Yeah FB and gmail are of great help but there is nothing like spending time together, gossiping and doing masti

@Jack: Yeah, I'm traying to mive life as it comes but sometimes it becomes so difficult to survive..

@Dimriti: I can actually empathise with you. But then, we ourselves have to find the alternatives. Thanks for visitibg my blog.