Monday, December 28, 2009

Missing Everyone...

So another Monday with new hope, New Targets and new weekend ahead :) ... Have loads of things to share but don't have much time and mood. So, here are few random thoughts.

  • Missing Mom (I usually do that, when I'm away from home).
  • Missing My old organization and friends. Love you Guys.
  • Missing my Buddy. He's away and sleeping. Will fight with him tomorrow morning. Love you baby.
  • Feeling Cold, it's too chilled here. 13 degrees. I hate winters.
  • Feeling drowsy. Want to reach home asap and hide in my quilt.
  • Looking forward to a great Weekend and New Year.

OK. Love you All,


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Farewell

So, Here comes the next news: Yesterday was my Farewell Party at my old office. It had been a great experience working with the organization. I still remember the day I had joined my previous organization. I was so timid, less confident and careless about my work. Used to chat on phone for half an hour without caring for my Boss. But really, he had been a great support for us always. I will always remember him a a role model. Learnt a lot from him.

Anyways, back to the Farewell Party. All my friends, colleagues and seniors arranged for a farewell party. Everybody gathered and gave me best wishes. And the best part was I got loads of gifts. O.M.G. Greedy me. The list goes like this:

  • A Big greeting card with message from everyone.
  • A bouquet
  • Book named "Almost single"
  • Devi Maa's Photo
  • Brown Goggles

O.M.G.. I was so touched.. Will always remember you guys.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Excited !!!!

I am very pissed off... Usually I am... Nothing new... and so do I write Blog for, to make others feel pissed off...

LoLzzz... Nothing like that... A lot is going on in life these days... Can't disclose right now... May be I'll disclose it one by one to add an element of surprise... Yeah, I know, everything has its own charm of that too when it is told on right time...But, as off now, the news is: "I have got a new job". Will Leave my current organization after one week... Quite excited for the new job and looking forward to a great future... May God Bless me... HeHeHeHe... I know I'm selfish Chick... But you know, I'm like that... Over and Out...

Love you all...

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Weekend

So, I did nothing on last Weekend. Usually I don't do anything special on Weekends, but this weekend was special. As I didn't go out for movies, shopping. Nothing at all. I spent quality time sitting in front of TV with remote Control and with full Control (As I don't allow anybody to touch the Remote on Weekends Looolzzz.). So On Saturday, I watched TV, ate more sweets, treated myself with good ghar ka Khana. Oh I love Paranthas with loads of Butter on it (To Hell with Dieting) and Adrak waali Chai. Even Mom loves Weekends as she has the company to share sweets with her.

Anyways, then I watched movie: "Dil Chahta Hai" and missed my college Days. I remember, When we were in College, we used to wait for our studies to get over, so that we can Earn Money. But, Nowadays, we crib about our Boss, targets and How dull Life has become. I know Human Beings can never be satisfied. As the Shah Rukh Says: "Don't be Just Santusht, Thoda Aur Wish Karo". Same thing applies here. I miss those old days, though I'm enjoying this phase of life as well. Anyways, Cut it Out. No More Serious Stuff. That's how I spent my Weekend. How was your Weekend? All your Comments are Welcome ;)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stop Ranting, Collect Your Award

So, after all those ranting post, here I am taking a break from all that samajhdaari wali batein. Anyways, Here is an award one on my new Blogger friends - DayDreamer has given me. Thanks "DD" for appreciating my posts and liking them.

And yeah thanks to all of you who read my posts and share your valuable suggestions and views with me. So, here are some rules for this award.

1. Thank whoever gave this to you

2. Copy award

3. Post it in your blog

4. Tell us 7 things that your readers don’t know

5. Link 7 new bloggers

6. Notify winners of the award with a comment on their blog

7. Most of all - Keep being awesome!

Since I am done with first 3 rules. Here are 7 things about me.

1. I love Italian and South Indian cuisine.

2. I've a phobia for Lizards.

3. I love my country, and won't leave it for any reason.

4. I love sweets, chocolates but not ice cream.

5. Blue is my favorite color.

6. I am a Movie Buff.

7. I love Chetan's all Novels.

Now it's time to pass on this award to my other Blogger friends.

Scandoulous Housewife:

Congratulations to all!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Is It All about "Give and Take" ?

PS: If you don't like reading about those typical emotional stuff, then don't waste your time. This one is not for you ;)

No matter how hard we pretend to remain unaffected by the outer world. Somewhere down the line, we all have emotions and feel the pain when expectations are not met. I know I love to give fundas for every situation and one of those fundas is "It's all about Give and Take". Be it family, friends or beloved, we all expect something in return. The proportion might differ from person to person, but I think ... Lolllzz... (As gals can't think according to my dear friend)... But yeah I think expectations are always there in every relationship. That's the question that have been there in my mind for last few day. Do expectations develop with time or with the love or bond you share or is it the kind of relationship you share with the particular person? To sum up it in one line: I would say What's more important: Time, Love or the relationship. Because I might not have much expectation from my siblings while I may expect a lot from a friend. But yeah, being a normal selfish creature, I too expect and sometimes, my fundas fail. I might expect without giving something in return. That's something which is a very big (Sorry, I'm short of the appropriate word) to ask for, that's what I think (Yes, I can think... Loollzzz).. So, what you guys think. Does this "Give and Take" funda applies for you OR you've found the one who loves you UNCONDITIONALLY ??

PPS: I don't know how much sense does this post makes to you. But I would definitely appreciate your views on this.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Luck by Chance.. Do you believe in this?

Some people say that they believe in hard work rather than in Luck while other say it's their hard luck that they don't get things easily. I myself don't understand this. Since childhood, I have achieved and lost many things which I've ever wished for. And most of the time, it involved loads of pains and hard work to achieve anything. But, sometimes I envy of those who get things just like that. Despite of low grades, people in reserved quota (please don't get offended) studying in the same institute in which we had been studying who had worked so hard to make it in top 100. Really, sometimes, I think it's unfair. Though I don't have any regrets, and by God's grace, I've achieved most of the things I've ever wanted, but really feel bad when some people get extra priviledges just because they have that "Better Luck" thing. Please feel free to share your experiences and views.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Few Updates

Nothing much interesting is going on that's why I hardly update my Blog. But then, I miss you all and your comments. Please feel free to write lots of comments. Loolllzzzz.... Just kidding. But I would be happy if more and more of you post comments on my Blog. Just a few updates.

  • Life has become more hectic and tight schedules are killing me. Need a break I suppose.
  • Have not watched a movie on theatre since past 3 month... O.M.G. .. I myself can't believe this.
  • Haven't read Chetan's latest Book: 2 States yet.
  • One of my friend has given me a novel. Can't wait to go home and read that.
  • Waiting for 3 Idiots and Kurbaan to release.
  • Want to sleep right here, rightnow.

Ok, enough about me. So, guys how are you and what's up. What are your recent updates. Comments are most welcome ;)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

May God Bless Us

Read about Wasim Akram's Wife. Though I hardly watch cricket and don't now much about him. But felt sorry about the untimely demise of his wife. We all are aware of this bitter truth of life, that we all have to die one day leaving behind all our dear ones or we have to face death of our dear ones. But such an untimely incidence have more impact on our lives. So, I here pray for his wife that may her soul rest in peace and God give Wasim the strenghth to bear the loss. One more thing, May God bless us that we enjoy life till we are alive....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stressed Out

Nowadays, I am not able to cope up with stress. or may be the lifestyle (late nights shifts, increased targets) is affecting me. I don't know the exact reason, but I've realized I can't take stress anymore from anyone including myself. When something goes out of my hands, I just leave it on God or the time. But still sometimes, my mind becomes clogged with so many thoughts, that I outburst on anybody or anytime. This is something, I need to control. I need to control my anger. Though, I hardly mess with anyone, but sometimes my friends or family become target of my anger. I know they care for me, but that doesn't mean I can take them for granted. I am working on it. May be I'll be able to handle it. Here are some tips, I found on web. If someone is in the same situation, read it. It may help you... Love, Ann

Here are the Tips:

  • Enough Sleep
  • Maintain Proper Nutrition
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Maintain Social Support
  • Find Hobbies
  • Pamper Yourself
  • Keep Your Mind Sharp
  • Have The Right Attitude
  • Process Your Emotions
  • Maintain a Spiritual Practice

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I AM Twittering...

Had been away from my blog for a long time. Though I have had enough these days, but nothing interesting to write on.

Now here is the latest update. I've joined Twitter. Sorry, actually I had joined it 8 months back, but nowadays, I'm regular on it. Since I hardly get time to write long details on the Blog, Twitter is another good option to keep all my friends and pals updated thru short messages. It's like an SMS service. Short, yet informative. So, those who've not yet become a part of Twitter are welcome to join my network. Looking forward to your Tweets...


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Few Updates

Hi All!

Here are few recent updates:

  • Returned from a family trip (Vaishno Devi).
  • Enjoyed a lot there.
  • Rtnow, sitting in office, feeling very exhausted.
  • Working hard for this months targets.
  • Will post about the trip's details in next post (may be)
  • Want to go back home and sleep.
  • Missing my pals.

Bye and take care. Will be back with new post :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yaad Aayenge Ye Pal (Moments I will Cherish..)

So, after striving hard for targets and many ups and downs in our professional life, we finally got our rewards in form of a "Party in a Pub". Though I have studied in co-ed, spent some of my years in hostel, but the idea of going to disc didn't materialize. Anyways, our whole team was so excited. Nobody was in a mood to work. Everybody was planning like we'll do that, we'll do this and blah blah.

The party was in Suburbia, Metropolitan Mall, Gurgaon. We reached there around 8. In starting everybody was behaving so sophisticated, but after 10-15 mints we all got familiar with the place and then we started having snacks and drinks. I was not in a mood to drink, then somebody suggested that I must try Vodka with Limca. I thought I must try it at least once. Slowly and slowly I sipped the drink. And know what I liked it. Bas phir kya tha, I had another glass and started dancing on the floor. Everybody was dancing there. And for the first time I danced continuously for 2 and half hours. O.M.G, While dancing I was thinking, my energy level has increased. May be it was due to the drink. Then I had 2 more glasses. It was fun! Every body was enjoying. After having 4 glasses, I was feeling a bit dizzy, but I could feel what's going around me. I was not high.

Then we had dinner. Everyone was happy and enjoying. In short the party was great and we all enjoyed. That day was one of my life's best days. Everything seemed to be JUST PERFECT!!! Nothing fell out of place. And yeah I'll cherish it :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dedicated to all my Awesome Girl Friends :)

Hey Girls! Here is a lovely poster. I found this on Cindy's Blog. Originally created by Heidi at daisybones, this poster is free to print, share, and use. It's Awesome and I dedicate it to all my girl friends (including the blogger friends). And last but not the least. I dedicate this to my G.O.B's (Gang of Bitches) and B.N.A.G.S. group (My post grad. girl friends)...

Click on it for a bigger version.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Circle of Influence - Makes a lot of Difference

Another pleasant morning with new hope and positive energy. The moment I got up from my bed, first thought that popped into my mind was: O.M.G, I'm late, rushed get ready. I could not even grab a sandwich or cup of tea, my cab people called me up : "Maaa'm ! your cab is waiting for you". Within 10 minutes I boarded the cab. Meanwhile the vendor called me up twice to inquire whether I have boarded the cab or not? Disgusting, and then started the fight. He blamed me for late boarding and I blamed him for informing me late. In short, I was so pissed off after that whole conversation (As you all know, I hate fighting or arguing with people :), and really try to avoid such situations). But sometimes, you can't control other people's frame of mind and the way behave.

Anyways, So, I was so pissed off that I called up my support system, my best friend to tell him about the incidence (At last we all need someone to bear all our frustration). So, I called him up and as another discussion session, he told me about the concept "Circle of Influence". Some of you might be aware of the term and concept. But as I was not familiar with the concept he explained me things by taking simple instance. Like take one instance:

First Instance: You got up late >> left for office in a hurry >> bad roads and traffic jam made you more frustrated >> then you reached office >> did some mistake in task >> Angry Manager calls you to discuss your mistakes >> and it left you more frustrated ... And what's the end result, your whole day got spoil.

Second Instance: You got up 15 minutes before the regular time >> Got ready >> Left for office on time >> no heavy traffic jams >> reached office on time >> Delivered your tasks on time >> Your boss satisfied >> And rewards :) ... Result: At the end of the day, you are happy and content.

So, what's the difference? just by changing the habit of getting up 15 minutes before your normal schedule, made your day. This is the circle of influence where one event influenced the other and made a lot of difference.

Moral of the Story: We can't control other people perceptions, actions and behaviors. So, rather than worrying about things which we can not control like traffic jams, bad mood of boss, bad roads, we should look in to ourselves and try to find out what are the other options which I can go for, to make my life more easy...

Think upon it .. I know it's very easy to give "GYAAN", but difficult to implement it. But try and change some of your habits or look out for other options which can make your life more easy and interesting. Till then Enjoy the roller coaster ride :)

PS: Thanks to my best friend for introducing me to "Circle of Influence".

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ever Been Caught ??

I was thinking about posting on my Blog for past 3-4 days, but could not get the time. Missed you all :)

Last weekend was good. Weather was pleasant as it was either drizzling or raining heavily all the time. After a long time of hot dhup and garmi it was like a great relief celebrating the weekend with Chai (tea) and Pakoras (snacks). Did loads of masti at home and enjoyed suring net.

Anyways, a weird thing happened to me last weekend. As you all know, I love bitching. So, as a normal thing I was sending this message to my sister bitching about some common friend. And imagine, in a hurry, I sent it to the same person about whom I was bitching. Imagine, it became really an awkward situation when that person called me back to inquire about the same. O.M.G, I was too shocked to handle the situation, but somehow I managed. Thank God, I didn't mention her name in the message, so I got a benefit of doubt. Really it was too embarrassing.

Well, this is not the first time I was in a situation. Here are some instances which I want to share with you.

When I was in school, this guy, whom I hated the most (I myself don't know why), So, I was bitching about him to my best friend that time. Though my friend was giving me all the hints that he is standing behind, I ignored her and continued bitching about him. And imagine, I turned and he was standing just behind me smiling. Caught Red Handed. I was speechless. My blood froze. What to do now. But the humble guy didn't say anything. From that day, my views changed for him.

Another day, I was in a function, bitching about an aunt, her make up and disastrous fashion style, and look she was standing near me. But, thank God she didn't listen anything or may be she just ignored it.

There are many instances, but these are the ones, which I remember till now. So gals, be careful while bitching next time :) And yeah, I would like you to share your experiences as well. So, please feel free to share them here... Till then Enjoy Bitching :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hi All !!!

Hi All ! I know it's been long since I updated my blog. Though I've been regularly posting comments on my other Blogger friends posts, I could not get time to write a post myself :) With increased targets at workplace, it's really difficult to indulge into my own interests. Anyways, in past couple of days, I have many things to share with all of you. Here are few updates:

1. Celebrated my Birthday. Thanks to my lovely team members and GOBs, for giving me such an exciting surprise :) .. We had a full celebration, from cake cutting ceremony to accepting gifts. This B'day I received maximum gifts I think. 2 t-shits and 4 kurtis and 2 Novels.. O.M.G... I was so happy.

2. Our monthly targets have increased, not so happy. But we can't help it.

3. Then came Raksha Bandhan. Loads of sweets and celebrations. Enjoyed the day with my siblings and relatives.

4. Fourth and the last one. Swine Flu. Heyyyy wait wait wait, don't think that I'm suffering from that, fortunately we are safe and I wish everybody remains safe specially the kids.

Yesterday, I was chatting with one of my blogger friends and she told me that situation is really bad in her city. All schools, colleges, institutions, cinema halls and malls are closed as a precautionary measure to avoid the Flu. Really, even people in Delhi are also worried about the flu. People in our office have started wearing those masks. Though, the things are a bit serious, but with some precautions we can avoid it.

You can have a complete idea about the Flu and how it spreads from Wikipedia.

There are antiviral medicines you can take to prevent or treat swine flu. Though, there is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu, you can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza by following precautions.

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. You can also use alcohol-based hand cleaners.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
  • Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
  • Stay home from work or school if you are sick.

At last I would suggest, don't panic and take care :)

T0 make things a bit lighter, try this test.

Here is an interesting test that will give you the opportunity to learn what such things as love, relationships, betrayal, sympathy mean to you.

I hope I don’t have to explain that the test is having a comic aspect, take it with humor winked

Here are my results :)

Scanner of your heart (

1. Your choice symbolizes a person whom you could like in real life situations.
Deer - Elegant and well-mannered.

2. Your choice symbolizes the impression that you want to have on people.
Horse - Optimism.

3. Your choice symbolizes a behavior that would make you finish your relationship with your partner (beloved one).
Crocodile - Cruelty (ruthlessness) of your partner.

4. Your choice symbolizes a type of relationship that you would like to have with your partner (beloved one).
Bird - Your goal - long-term relationship.

5. Your choice shows if you are capable to cheat.
Person - it is unlikely that you cheat.

6. Your choice shows your attitude to marriage.
Bengal tiger- For you, marriage is something very precious, when you get married, you will greatly appreciate your marriage and your other half.

7. Your choice shows your attitude to love.
Dove - For you, love is an equal relationship between two people.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

50 Random Thoughts - Part of Tagging Game

1. O.M.G .. It's so silent at the workplace
2. Nobody has come yet :(
3. I must listen to some peppy number.
4. "Jugni" from "Oye Lucky Lucky Oye" is my favorite these days.
5. LOL :) this song is soo funny.
6. Waiting for my colleagues to come, some of them are really funny.
7. I hate waking up in the morning.
8. Why do we need to work.
9 Can't I get a rich, husband? Anybody reading..
10. T.G.I.F.F.F - Thank God It's Freaky Fucking Friday :)
11. Want to fly high in the sky without wings.
12. Breakfast was good.
13. Feeling sleepy now.
14. Have to achieve the supposed targets.
15. Why Boss is always right ?
16. When would I become "The Boss".
17. Ok I would not mind if I become some Manager's or VP's wife :)
18. Will do loads of shopping.
19. I love Kids.
20 Me and my kids will do loads of masti with Papa Darling :)
21. Still nobody has come.
23. O.M.G is anybody coming or not?
24. Really tiring to complete this tag.
25. But, thanks to Jalpari for tagging me :)
26. "Love Aaj Kal" is a good movie.
27. Loved its songs.
28. Waiting for tonight, so that I can go and sleep tight.
29. Want to get out of here asap.
30. Don't know when the day would come :(
31. I need to go for a hair cut this weekend.
32. But I hate waiting in Parlor for my turn to come.
33. These Parlor walis really suck (self boasting Bitches) .
34. Have to do loads of stuff, threading, waxing ... OMG.
35. Will make Manchurian this weekend.
36. I love "Ryan" LOL :) How could I forget him.
37. Ryan is a character from book "Five Point Someone".
37. I know, I'm mad... mad after my dream man.
38. Have to complete 2 other Novels gifted by my Best Buddy.
39. O.k. I have a call.
40. I love our GOBs (Gang of Bitches) team.
41. I haven't done anything yet.
42. Boss would kill me, who cares :)
43. I'll complete the targets.
44. Did I mention, I hate my job on Fridays.
45. Five more thoughts to write down.
46. Nobody in the team has come yet.
47. Where the hell, they got stuck, It's 9:45 a.m. already.
48. It was fun doing it.
49. Thanks Jalpari for tagging me. And love you Angie, for inspiring me write the tags :)
50. Bye, C YA :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

I need a Break

T.G.I.F - Thank God It's Friday. The week had been too tiring especially yesterday evening. Finally it rained heavily in Delhi (NCR) last evening. Everybody was so happy to feel the rain after such a long time of unbearable hot weather. But the problem started when we left the office. Streets were clogged with water and jammed with vehicles. As most of the working shifts get over by 6 p.m. everybody was rushing back home and it took us around 3 hours to reach the home and left us exhausted. I had my dinner and jumped into the bed as there was no energy left to do anything else. Then Alarm rang at 6:15 am. First I felt like what the hell is this? I 'm not going to Office. But, as we all know Corporate Bitches can't be lazy all the time. I got up, got ready for the office and boarded the cab.

Now I'm feeling too exhausted to do any work. Still working, so that I can enjoy my weekend, relaxing in my couch, watching movies, eating momos.... oooohhhhhhhhhh... Feeling sleepy now.. I think I need to go, grab a cup of Coffee...

Happy Weekend to you all :) Enjoy. Will be back soon.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Loneliness Kills Me

Sitting Alone in my office department on my seat, I am feeling soooo scared deep down inside. Not Scared of any ghost or Lizard (My phobia), but I am scared of the loneliness. As nobody has arrived yet, I am alone in the department, doing my work. But negative thoughts are constantly clouding my mind, all the insecurities shrinking my heart and making me feel so helpless. To avoid that negative thing, I tried to distract my thoughts to something else, read some blogs, wrote some content, did some usual reporting stuff but all in vain. That feeling of loneliness is there. And one thing I must admit I am Scared of it.

Though I am a reserved person, become choosy while making friends but I need people around me to feel alive. Otherwise, I feel so scared and low. I avoid such kinda situation in which I may be left alone, but if I am alone all these negative thoughts keep coming to my mind. Thank God, one of the colleagues has arrived... Feels like life has come back. And yeah thanks to Blogging that I can take it out by writing. See ya Guys.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Some Questions

As I have nothing much to write these days. Here is a questionnaire (which I found on one of my Blogger friend's Blog), I am filling on my Office Desktop just to kill the remaining 15 mins. of my working hours.. Hope It helps :)

Q: When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
A: My skin has become so Oily.

Q: How much cash do you have in your wallet right now?
A: Rs. 465

Q: What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR?
A: Boar

Q: What is your favourite ring tone on your phone?
A: What's Go'in On from "Salaam Namaste"

Q: Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
A: My Mother

Q: What are you wearing right now?
A: Salwaar Kameez

Q: Do you label yourself?
A: I dont understand

Q: Name the brand of the shoes you currently own?
A: Bata

Q: Bright or Dark Room?
A: Bright. I'm scared of Darkness.

Q: What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
A: Don't know him much.

Q: What does your watch look like?
A: I dont wear watches

Q: What were you doing at midnight last night?
A: Chatting with my Mom

Q: What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
A: Some advise on life

Q: What’s a word that you say a lot?
A: Anyways

Q: Who told you he/she loved you last? (Please exclude spouse , family, children)
A: My M.C.A Batch Mate

Q: Last furry thing you touched?
A: Cant remember

Q: Favorite age you have been so far?
A: 21-24 (When I was doing my Post Graduation)

Q: What was the last thing you said to someone?
A: Was discussing stuff with a Dashing, handsome Hunk sitting next to me. (I have a huge Crush on him these days)

Q: The last song you listened to?
A: Aaja Aaja Dil Nichode ... from Movie "Kaminey"

Q: Where did you live in 1987?
A: Meerut, India

Q: Are you jealous of anyone?
A: I am jealous of all the girls who look more beautiful than me :) HeHeHe Just Kidding...

Q: Is anyone jealous of you?
A: Don't think so.

Q: Name three things that you have on you at all times?
A: My mobile... Goggles... My wallet...

Q: What’s your favorite town/city?
A: There are many... But Goa, and Gangtok in India top the list

Q: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?
A: I can't remember.

Q: Can you change the oil on a car?
A: Nope

Q: Your first love/big crush: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?
A: He got Married :)

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: Yup ! My Legs ..

Q: What is your current desktop picture?
A: A Couple sailing on a Boat..

Monday, July 13, 2009

I love Bitching :)

One of the most prominent change that I have noticed these days is I love to bitch and rant. Yeah, slowly and gradually I have developed this habit of bitching and ranting all the time. Be it my workplace, home or any get together, I am always bitching about someone or ranting about something. Like at my workplace I bitch about other departments, colleagues, the meal they offer, the transport system and much more. At home I rant about, how my job sucks, how I feel bad about spending around 4 hours in the office cab. I know many people who are working face the same situation. But I feel as if it all is happening to me.

Like the day my best friend dropped me to my office. The moment I got into the car, I started bitching about people, ranting about my work schedules. And he was smiling all the time. He's such a cool person. I wonder how does he keep his calm when he's facing the same problems. But he hardly complains about work and cabs and I always do the same. LOL. Anyways, bitching is something I'm doing since my college days, but I think I must stop complaining about small things.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some Changes

So, finally after struggling for almost 3 years in evening shifts. We are assigned to work in Normal day shift (9am - 6pm) and today's the second day. It's really tough to stay awake nowadays as my body needs some time to adjust to this routine I suppose. Feeling very sleepy right now, not able to concentrate but happy about the new change as time passes fast in this routine. As earlier I used to reach home around 1 am. Everyone at home used to fall asleep and by the time I use to wake up, my folks were usually out for the Work. It was quite depressing to see your folks only on Weekends.

Though it take time to reach home nowadays because of the traffic jam, but a smile on my mom's face after a hectic day gives me the feeling that at least someone is happy. I miss watching my favorite daily soaps, but I can watch them anytime at U tube. Thanks to Mr. Google. I am happy about some other things as well. Like finally I bought Laptop last month, Now I can surf net whenever I want :)

Monday, June 29, 2009

I love you All

So, this is not like a regular Monday. Today I was feeling great while coming to the office. The weekend had been really boring and hectic. As My mother is not at home, I had to take care of all the household work and Cooking part. And believe me, it's really tough to be a house wife. All the time I was wandering about what to prepare for Breakfast. As soon as the breakfast was over, I use to think about the Lunch and then dinner. OMG... Though it was not that bad, but temperature in Delhi is soo hot that it was really tough to be in Kitchen all the time.

Then I realized how Every housewife performs a thankless job, which we working people don't realize. I was missing my mother all the time. When I was a kid, I used to make faces, when I didn't like any dish and used to become so adamant at times. But really, Moms are the best. In fact I've seen my mom taking care of even smallest things just to provide us the best comforts, so that we can do well in our studies. Really, missing you Mommy.

Somehow, I managed to cook food for these 2 days. Today I got up late. So, my little Brother, compromised for Lunch. Said you need not to prepare it, I'll have something from outside. After all, Family is Family, they give you the unconditional love. Love you Mom, Dad, Sis and of Course my little Bro (who treats me like a kid... LOL) ..

Monday, June 22, 2009


It may seem a very depressing post to you all. But, As it's the place where I want to be what I am. So, I am writing whatever I am feeling right now.

Feeling very low. nothing seems to be positive. I am still not clear what I want out of myself. Though I know the value of my Job, I know how hard I fought to get this job, this position. Still not contented with whatever I am doing.

I know, I don't love my ex anymore, still whenever he calls me up. His conversations leave me depressed and I wander why I pick up his calls. Can't I tell him, just get lost. Not I think I can never do that.

I know, I am about to get married may be in a year or 6 months. But still not excited.

Though many people tell me, you look good, still I get jealous looking at other beautiful ladies sometimes.

I don't know where I am going. I really don't know what I want??? One of my friend was telling me that We "Leos" have very frequent mood swings. May be it's one of those bad days.

Thanks for bearing the depressing post.

Yeah one more update: May we need to work for one more hour from this week. It's really tough to be a "Corporate Bitch"

Monday, June 8, 2009

Few Updates

So, Here I am writing another Post. I don't have much to share this time. Just took rest on Weekend. It had been the most boring weekend since I have started working. Either I was sleeping or sitting in front of television like vegetable.

Could not eat my favorite dishes because of bad throat. Though I have not recovered yet, but feeling better than before. Came here to share a few updates with you guys. :

1. Here is My Batch... from Ms. R ! for the Guest Blog Post I wrote for her Blog "Expressive Silence". Thanks Ms. R ! Love your Work :) Keep Posting and Keep Rocking...

2. Feeling sooo hungary. Our Manager is giving us a Pizza Party... Waiting for that to come. After 4-5 days of bad taste, I can't resist the temptation to have Pizza..

3. Working fst to finish my targets so that I can catch a restful sleep tonight :)

Till then , Love you All,
Take Care,

Friday, June 5, 2009

Down with Fever

It's been 3-4 days, since I am struggling hard to fight with fever, bad throat and severe cold. But now the situation is getting out of control, it's hard to manage and work. I could easily take an off, but I think I have become so used to work, that I feel bored at home relaxing alone. So, I opted to come and work. But as it's hard now, I really need to take some rest. T.G.I.F. (Thank God It's Friday), finally the day has come. Now I can relax at home and catch a good movie on my new Lappy (Laptop) with my Bro and Mom :) Not feeling like working, feeling exhausted as all my energy level has gone down.. Looking forward to a relaxing WEEKEND. Till then, Happy Weekend Guys.

Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......................... :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Miss You

Some grudges and wounds leave their marks forever. No matter, how many years pass, somewhere down the line we all still feel hurt for some or the other loss. Today I was just discussing things with one of my friends. And yeah, we are sailing on the same boat I suppose. Not able to come out of our respective pasts.

I know I gave my 100% to my previous relationship, still it didn't work out. I know he didn't deserve me. I know he was not that into me. Still, why do I still miss him. At the end of the Day, why I ask God what went wrong? Can't he come back and say "Yes I love you and I need you". I know It's not gonna happen. Still we keep hoping for things.

Rite now, I am neither hurt nor happy, but still feel something is missing.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Friends Forever

I am feeling very happy today. You must be wondering why? Actually my best friend came to see me in my office. I know it's not a big deal as compared to what he has done for me in past 7-8 years. Tolerated my impatient behavior, supported through my thick and thins, always motivated me to do better and achieve whatever I wanted to and much more which I can't explain on this Blog. He came here just to see me as our work schedules don't allow us to meet otherwise. Though I was telling him not to come as we can not meet our friends in office for more than 10-15 minutes. But he took all the pain to come and see me. And now I am feeling that these small efforts and things really matter a lot to make the bond more stronger. Feeling too good about it. At least a small change in my daily routine filled me with all the positive energy. And I am happy that I am blessed with so many wonderful people.

Friday, May 15, 2009


As they say Women love Make up and Shopping when they are depressed. This is true for me. Yesterday, I was feeling not so Good, went home, slept, woke up and listened to some of my favorite songs. Another hectic Day was ahead of me. So, to make it more interesting and refreshing, I decided to put my new dress, which I bought last weekend (that shopping was also done to cheer me up). So, finally I put the dress, put some make up and left for the Office. And see what, I was already feeling Gooood. Alps and Samy gave me nice complements. We clicked some picture and believe me Samy is a great photographer. So, we clicked some pics. People were giving nice complements and all this filled me with loads of positive energy and here I am now, happy, relaxed and working positively. So, Ladies, believe me it works!!! Do some changes, and feel good about it. After all, it's all about the inner contentment :)

And one more thing, Happy Weekend :) Do lots of shopping, go out with friends and Enjoy...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I know, I deserve it :(

As always I am not happy with the things, as they are proceeding. Everybody is getting promotions but I am not. The more frustrating thing is I know I am better than them, but still they got it because they begged for it before me. Sorry, but I don't understand the concept, why don't seniors get into our shoes and feel our pain. Why we need to remind them, hey we need a promotion. Can't they see that we are doing good and this time we need to be on a better position. I am really pissed off. Though I am not happy with my job profile, but I know I am giving my more than 100%, still not getting what I want.

Anyways, not in a mood to talk. Feeling very bad, talked to a friend, but could not explain him my pain ( As I don't prefer cribbing in front of everybody).

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Still ....

So, I stayed up till 2:30 a.m last night just to find out How these Guys (Ryan, Hari and Alok) managed to get their degree. Loved reading the novel: "Five Point Someone". Honestly, while reading the book, I missed my hostel days (which I always do anyways). Still thinking about my dream Boy "Ryan". Yup! after reading the complete Novel, I still love him, despite the fact that he was the lowest performer in his batch. So what? grades don't make you a better person in any manner. See Love is Blind. LOL. Yeah I am missing those characters, especially RYAN. Hope he exists somewhere, and if he reads this, please do let me know Buddy !!! As I am waiting for you :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm Loving It

So, here is the new interest of my life. He's keeping my mind occupied all the times. Yes, I love him. I just love him. Okay, Okay, enough of the Suspense. All of you must be wondering, who is he? and why all of a sudden, this Gal is talking in a strange manner?
Okay, So, he is "Ryan". I love "Ryan". Yup ! I can say it as louder as I can. He is confident, good looking, fun-loving, a fitness freak like me and above all he's just like my Dream Man. The man I have been looking for since I understood the meaning of Love but not found yet. I know, I have had my own share of experiences with Guys, and dated some LOSERS, but they didn't have the potential to be called as "MY MAN". But As far as Ryan is concerned, he's the ULTIMATE person. May be not of your kinds, but he's the one I have been looking for.

I know next question is how did I meet him. So here it goes, One of my Good Friend had given me this Novel: "Five Point Someone" by Chetan Bhagat. And "Ryan" is one of the characters from the three main Guys of the Story. I hope I haven't disappointed you all. I know this is something really CRAZY. You must be wondering, how could anyone, fall in love with a character from a Novel. But, it is So. Ryan is just Awesome. He lives for the moment, loves his friends, holds his own opinion for situations. Though he's one of the under performers in his class, he has got that Grey matter to make things work. I really love this "Ryan" character. I don't know, whether I would ever find a Guy like him but yes, one thing I am sure about is that he's just like my "Dream Man". He's my Hero these days (Even I believe in living for the Moment). I have just read half of the Novel, but I am enjoying exploring more about him.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Social Networking Websites: Big NO for me

As always, a question is popping again and again in my mind and now it's the time to throw it out of my system (As I always do). At this point of time, I can say that I don't believe in making new friends. My old friends are enough to make me laugh or share a thought whenever I need them, they are there for me. To be more precise I don't put effort to make friends now, according to me it should be a natural thing. If I find someone whose intellect matches with mine, he/she is most welcome but I don't have time for nonscence talkers.

But things got a bit boring for past few weeks. After almost two years of single hood, I got bored living the same life daily. Get up early in the morning, do some excersice, get ready for office, work hard, achieve targets, get back to the home and then go to sleep. I wanted some change. So, as suggested by a good friend of mine, I joined a social networking site in hope of finding a great friend. But, my illusion broke in a few days and I came to the conclusion, that finding a real friend in a virtual world (on internet) is difficult. From my experience, I feel, people use such websites just for the sake of having fun or to discuss stuff which they don't have guts to share with somebody face to face. They just want to talk dirty and if you don't do that they'll tell that you are not open minded.

I am really pissed off. C'mon people, wake up. We are in 21th century. I can very well discuss sex and other things openly. But the discussion should be healthy not the cheap stuff. Like if someone is my close friend (no matter girl or boy) and we are having a healthy discussion on some very personal. I won't mind sharing my thought with them, but discussing things on social networking websites that too when you don't know the other person's frame of mind is a big NO for me at least. If people are that desperate, I would suggest go and watch a porno and help the website owners generate some business.

Anyways, that was not a great experience for me, so I would stick to what I believe in. Making friends in real world not in the virtual world. Though the virtual world seems to be more attractive, but I love to be in the real world and want to live with real people.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Weekend Fever

So, as always weekend fever started since 5pm. After compiling all the tasks, making reports, I didn't feel like working at all. Though 5 more hours were left, I didn't bothered to do any task (there were no urgent tasks assigned, so not feeling guilty for that). Surfed internet, read blogs, posted comments, visited a new Social Networking website. Nothing could help me to bring me back to the Pavilion. Now, it's already 9:3o pm. Just half an hour to go. I'm here writing a Blog post :) and looking forward to a great, rejuvenating weekend.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Flowing with the Time

“Guzari hui zindagi ko yaad na kar , taqdeer me jo likha hai tu uski fariyad na kar. Jo hoga wo hokar rahega, tu fikar me uski apni hansi barbaad na kar.”

Read these line on one of my friends Blog and went back in my past when I had much more to worry about. Friends to fight with, boyfriend to hang around with, the enthusiasm to explore life kept me busy and entertained. But the scenario has changed now in past few couple of years. I got the job, came out of a miserable relationship, made new friends, achieved many things which I ever dream of. Though a lot is happening around me these days, I feel freezed sometimes. No emotions, no strings attached, nothing to expect, monotonous routine have made me a bit mechanical. I don't complain, as it makes me feel miserable. So, just flowing with the time. Don't know where it would take me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tired of Technology

So, after so many days of fighting with technology, I am here to bitch about it. Really, this weekend my "personal computer" left me exhausted and frustrated. I spent my complete two days on that machine (which I could have used better by watching a good romantic movie) just to access my personal mails. Sometimes, I really feel pity for us: "the corporate sluts" who have become soooo addicted to the world wide web that we can't remain away from it for long. Anyways, as we are not allowed to access our personal mails and other social networking website at our workplace, we are dependent on our pc's or the internet cafes for them. Sometimes I really crave to chat with my old friends on Orkut.

So, the story begins like this. As I had promised to one of my friends that I'll chat with her on Saturday morning, I wind up all my personal stuff fast and got in front of the p.c. sharp at 11 am. But the internet was not working. Unplugged wires, replugged them, restarted my p.c. and after all the efforts of 20 minutes, thank god the internet started working. Me and my friend were in between of an interesting conversation, again "Mr. I" got disconnected. I called up the customer care Executives 10 times, but they could not solve my problems.

As I had been facing this problem for long, I decided to take a new connection. I called up a friend, and he suggested me that I can take it from my Mobile. O.k., then I called up my service provider, collected all the information and felt a bit relieved that finally I will have access to a better internet connection. They asked me they'll arrange a call back for me on Sunday, so that I can set a connection in my p.c. Now, came the Sunday morning, the fight with technology started again from 10 am. After 10-15 calls, the connection could not be set. Because there was some software up gradation needed in the system. Hell! NO They have started the connection, but I can not use it, just because some settings could not be done. It left me feeling more tired and exhausted. O.M.G. What to do now? Only one thing came to my mind, to hell with this computer, mobile and internet.

Then, finally I went to one of the internet cafes and checked all my mails and informed my friend that internet was not working that day. Anyways, felt a bit relieved after that, but still wondering would I be able to cope up with this fast growing technology?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yup! You have got the Power

As we grow up we learn to speak, to behave properly and other stuff. Though our parents and siblings play an important role in shaping our attitude, friends also leave you with some great experiences and lessons. This reminds me of my very good friend. Yup! You guessed it right that’s my Ex. He always used to say that he always listens to his heart and advised me the same thing. But I never understood his point that time (may be I was too young to understand that). Anyways, breaking off with him made me mature in few days only. Pain inside me compelled me to do self analysis that why did I failed to judge the person. Though everything was clear and right in front of my eyes, but may be I was not ready and willing to see that. And after few days of recovering from my so called precious relationship, I realized that my heart was warning me all the time, but I was the one who was ignoring it just to chase the temporary contentment.

HAPPY REALIZATION! Better be late than never. Finally I have started listening to my heart. I live on my own terms. That doesn’t mean that I don’t adjust with people, but yes I have set my priorities and come what may, I am not gonna compromise them for anybody. That’s what I suggest to my friends now. Listen to your heart. You need not to search God for everything. He’s there in your heart guiding you every moment. You just have to start listening to that Inner voice coming out of your own Heart.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Not in a Mood ...

Sooo.... It had been a bad day. I had a serious argument with one of colleagues. I know I was a bit rude, but people need to be shown their place otherwise they think as if you are a dumb Ass. As I rarely fight or argue with people, that argument really affected my whole work. I didn't feel like working at all after that and felt like quitting the job. Oh god Why we feel so helpless sometimes. I know in this scenario, I can't leave the job until I find a new one. But really upset about it. Just want to control my anger and stay calm. Thank God I have few wonderful and caring friends over here who are there to lend an ear to my problems.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mind Your Own Business

So... Finally I have time to write the post. With growing tensions of falling economy, people are working hard to save their Ass and so am I. After all, we can't put our bread and butter on stake. Anyways, one thing is really bothering me for past few days. Why people don't mind their own business. I mean we all love bitching and gossiping about something or the other and yes I admit that like every other girl I love bitching too. But I can't do it for 24*7.

People are more worried about other's lives than their own. Like youngsters always crib about why the other chick/chap is looking so hot, Why they are more popular among opposite sex or dating multiple guys/gals at the same time. Discussions like this are always interesting but to an extent only. Sorry to say but I am least bothered with other's lives. What they do, eat or like really never grab my attention. Frankly I am ok with everything or you can say I accept people for who they are. Yeah, I am a normal human being who doesn't like to judge people and neither I don't prefer others to judge me.

I have my own priorities, my carrier, family, loved ones for whom I rarely get time. So, instead of worrying about the irrelevant people, I'd love to share my special attention or time to those who love me.

I really wanted to take it out. Feeling a bit relieved now :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Want To Expand My Wings

Weather is so lovely outside. Today I was not feeling like coming to work (this is not a new thing, I hardly feel like coming to work LOL:). So, on my way to office, looking outside the Cab's window I was feeling like get down there and then only and start walking and enjoy the weather (but could not do so). A rush of emotions in my heart is telling me to do lots of things. Like I want to ride a Scooty and go on my own to wherever I want, catch a good movie, eat something spicy, dance in Rain or just go for a stroll with my Mom. Sooooo ... Excited O.M.G. I think the Weekend Fever has started showing its Symptoms. And with this want to spread my Wings long and wide as possible as I can.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hostel Days - Memories for Life

As I always say and believe that Hostel Days (when I was doing my post graduation) have been fun and those were the best part of my life till now. We were 5 friends (girls only) like sisters and we were famous in the university with title "B.N.A.G.S.". Though many boys tried to get place in our group, we never allowed them to invade our comfort zone. They came, fade away and lost but "B.N.A.G.S." remained the same. We laughed, cried, fought, bitched about are respective boyfriends and a lot more. Those memories will always remain there in our hearts.

Three of us are married now and two are still single (enjoying life). Though we are not able to see each other regularly because of our respective jobs, family responsibilities and other things, the bond is still there and we hope it remain forever. Now one of my friend has come from London after 1 year and we all are looking forward to meet her tomorrow. We all are sooo.. excited, making plans, buying gifts. O.M.G. there is a lot to do. I hope, you too can feel the excitement.

So, Happy Weekend to all of you. Enjoy :) and make sure to stay in touch with those who love and care for you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Survival of the Fittest - We are actually living this

When I was in school, we used to have a lesson in our Science text books "Survival of the Fittest," I don't remember actually in which standard as it hardly matters. So, coming back to the main point. For past few days, this thought is popping into my mind that we are actually living the phrase "Survival of the Fittest" these days. All all of you must be aware of Economy Crisis these days, many employees have lost their jobs, some have committed suicide (Take the example of General Manager of Tata Consultancy), while others are looking for much safer options where they can work without worrying about being "FIRED". People are trying hard to save their ASS and doing all possible stuff to remain in the Rat Race.

Instance I

Like few days back, one of my friend was telling me that she went for an interview where she was not entertained just because she had asked for Big Package (obviously according to the recruiters). They were looking for some person whom they can pay less for the same job she was supposed to do there. Then after the whole conversation she came to know that the H.R. person just called her up to make sure that her Boss doesn't kick her out because she could not arrange for any candidate. But, in that whole episode who suffered? Obviously my friend, who went there by taking all the pains, spending money and devoted her complete one day (Time is money man). Anyways, this was one of the incidence where H.R. lady acted smart to save her job.

Now the Instance No II.

People are buttering their bosses and back biting their colleagues just to make a good impression in their mentor's eyes (Back Biting, that is something which really hurts especially when it effects your carrier).

So, its a strange feeling which I can not explain. All I can say, please GOD HELP US in these tough times.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tagging - Great Way to Widen your Network

Though I was thinking of doing this for past few days, today I have got the time to say thanks to my dear blogger friends A.K. and CutePriya for tagging me. It's a wonderful way to expand your network of blogger Friends.

As every game has some rules, Tagging has too. Here are the rules on what we should do while Tagging:

1) Put the link of the person who tagged you on your blog.

2) Write the rules.

3) Mention 6 things or habits of no real importance about you.

4) Tag 6 persons adding their links directly.

5) Alert the persons that you tagged them.

Since I have already done rule 1 and 2, I am jumping straight to rule 3.

6 things or habits of no real importance about Me

1. I make good Coffee and Pizza.

2. Love to hang around with friends on Weekends.

3. MTV Roadies is my favorite Show these days.

4. I walk in sleep sometimes (Scared... ha ha).

5. My post graduation days are the most special days of my life.

6. I hate flirting.

Now the fourth rule:

Well, I nominate: The Daily Blonde, Tasha, Virgo_The_Perfectionist, Scandalous Housewife, Quirky Mon and QM

And now is the time to let them know that they have been tagged :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Things that Really Irritate Me

As you grow older you have your own set of rules which you want to follow. But I have seen people around me who really don't care for what others would think. No courtesy or Chivalry left. But c'mon if you want others to respect your time and emotions, please do some effort to respect their time and sentiments as well. Here are some points which really irritate me.

  • People who Fart loudly in public places (that's so irritating).
  • People who discuss personal stuff on phone while sitting in group (see nobody is interested to know about what you cook, or how much your boy/gal loves you).
  • People who take your things and don't return back (I have started saying NO to such people).
  • People who don't respond back to my messages or phone calls (at least have the courtesy to take out 2 minutes to inform if you are BUSY).
  • People who take their partners for granted (You better deserve to be ditched).
  • Late comers.

I will add to this list if anything comes to my mind and would like to hear things that irritate you Guys.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Benefits of Singlehood

One of my friend is sad these days because of her recent break up. So, I was just thinking why do we need guys? Can't we enjoy life on our own? Yes, we can. I know how it feels to be in a relationship, and then come out of it. A lot of pain and memories are involved. But we can keep ourselves happy by looking at the brighter side of the Singlehood. Like I have some points which can make you feel good if you are one of those singles who have broken off with their partners or still have not found their dream mate:

  • You are free and independent.
  • You don't have to wait for those phone calls.
  • No Tensions and Tears.
  • Can concentrate in your Work or studies.
  • Can date as many guys/gals without feeling guilty.
  • You need not to put an artificial mask to be good in any body's eyes.
  • Can try different things without thinking much.

While reading this if any good point comes to your mind, Please add to this list.

Monday, March 9, 2009

It had been a looooooooong tiring Day.

Sooo. It had been a looooooooong tiring Day. Our Shift has changed from 8 to 9 hours that too from afternoon to the evening shift. As you know how we all feel in the evening. DROWSY is the answer. So, I came to office, completed all my work here I am winding up my day with this post. My legs are paining like anything. Don't know why? Because of this changed work schedule, I suppose. Feeling sooooo..tired and hungry Waiting for the dinner to be served. I hope they have something good and spicy to tingle our taste buds and raise our energy levels. Ok see you all tomorrow.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Women's Day

As I might be out of town for next couple of Days. Here I am wishing Happy Woman's Day to all the women in my life - friends, distant friends, and family

Happy International Women's Day! Ladies let's make this world a better place each and every day!

p/s: Never ever lose your Self Respect and Dignity for anyone at any COST.

High Expectations

Why do we have to live up to other's expectations? Like if my folks wants me to be a doctor, but I want to be a dancer, artist or singer then why do I need to study hard. Every person knows their weak and strong areas. Then why we are not allowed to live our life our own way. If I am happy and contented in working in that normal 8 hour shift and life is going smooth with that so called small package, then why do I participate in the rat race where people are exploiting each other and playing games to snatch other's position. Sorry !!! but I can never be like others. I am happy the way I am. In fact, I want to live my life happily then why do I run after other's dreams? After all I have got only one life to live and don't I have the right to live it my way?