Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Survival of the Fittest - We are actually living this

When I was in school, we used to have a lesson in our Science text books "Survival of the Fittest," I don't remember actually in which standard as it hardly matters. So, coming back to the main point. For past few days, this thought is popping into my mind that we are actually living the phrase "Survival of the Fittest" these days. All all of you must be aware of Economy Crisis these days, many employees have lost their jobs, some have committed suicide (Take the example of General Manager of Tata Consultancy), while others are looking for much safer options where they can work without worrying about being "FIRED". People are trying hard to save their ASS and doing all possible stuff to remain in the Rat Race.

Instance I

Like few days back, one of my friend was telling me that she went for an interview where she was not entertained just because she had asked for Big Package (obviously according to the recruiters). They were looking for some person whom they can pay less for the same job she was supposed to do there. Then after the whole conversation she came to know that the H.R. person just called her up to make sure that her Boss doesn't kick her out because she could not arrange for any candidate. But, in that whole episode who suffered? Obviously my friend, who went there by taking all the pains, spending money and devoted her complete one day (Time is money man). Anyways, this was one of the incidence where H.R. lady acted smart to save her job.

Now the Instance No II.

People are buttering their bosses and back biting their colleagues just to make a good impression in their mentor's eyes (Back Biting, that is something which really hurts especially when it effects your carrier).

So, its a strange feeling which I can not explain. All I can say, please GOD HELP US in these tough times.


CutePriya said...

Yes, I very much hate this...Lady, you still have a job which means you are one of those fittest...Keep hopes positive...there is a long way to go :)

Virgo_The_Perfectionist said...

Every one is part of this Rat race but no one realise it as u did. We dont have option. Now a days we are in the beggars list while a few months back we all were enjoying choosers category... Its all part of life & carreer. Once you pass it then only you will be called a true experience lady. These tough days actually define your true personality. All i can say that "JAME RAHO" -:)

Amit said...

Backbiting and ass-licking are part of the corporate life always...its jst that its showing its ugly head now more than ever at this time of recession. Very recently, i had to left my job to move to explore other options and i am glad i made the right decision. It was just unbearable to stay with such ass lickers day in and day out. Check out "my last day post". Have patience and tolerance...good days r nearby :)

Varun said...

I think these days there is a new trend...."Survival of the hottest" lolz...anyways...i think these things are usual in every organization...and also this recession...its really hitting hard...

Akum said...

This is life.. We got to keep on fighting everyday! Life ain't a bed of roses.

Anonymous said...

Although it's nothing new but it still hurts to know some hateful people do it.

But hey, keep your head high and be strong. What comes around, goes around(;