Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Still ....

So, I stayed up till 2:30 a.m last night just to find out How these Guys (Ryan, Hari and Alok) managed to get their degree. Loved reading the novel: "Five Point Someone". Honestly, while reading the book, I missed my hostel days (which I always do anyways). Still thinking about my dream Boy "Ryan". Yup! after reading the complete Novel, I still love him, despite the fact that he was the lowest performer in his batch. So what? grades don't make you a better person in any manner. See Love is Blind. LOL. Yeah I am missing those characters, especially RYAN. Hope he exists somewhere, and if he reads this, please do let me know Buddy !!! As I am waiting for you :)


The Great Brown Experiment said...

Love is blind. And you are obsessed! LOL! Yes, I hope he exists. He's the one with the bike if I'm not wrong..?

fms1988 said...

Lol...I wish he really comes along for you :D
Agree with you totally grades dont really matter at all !!
Im planning to read this novel just to see what is soo good about this Ryan guy...:P

Ann said...

@ Ms.R.

Yup ! you are right. He had the Bike. But how come you know that ?

neeraj_only said...

hey!! ann so small post on "five point someone" and u did read this so late. I did read this when i was in first year (2005). had to complete the book in 8 hours ( 9am to 5pm slot , everyone was crazy to read the book ).

u searching for Ryan.....hehe....no wonder he was cool , smart , intelligent etc etc....so your love is actually not 'blind'. if u really in love and 'waiting' for him he will surely come.lolz.

keep on waiting ann...

Haritha P Singh said...

u r reall blind :D
no doubt
welll hope d same charcter arrives in ur life...


Anonymous said...

I guess he will come without notice. Nice Thoughts anyway...

ApocalypsE said...

I liked the guy too... He never gave up on his friends...

where hari gets caught by his GF's dad, the hod... man i was laughing so hard and my mom got all worried...

Gauri Mathur said...

I have not read 5 point someone yet:(

Ann said...

@ M Riyadh Sharif

Thanks for your best wishes :)

Ann said...

@ Gauri Mathur

Hey Gauri ! You must read it... It's very interesting and well written..

Akum said...

Girl, STOP living in Fantasy... Go out and have some freaking fun. Life is too short to be wasted dreaming.... Happy weekends.

Ann said...

@ A. K.

Hey A.K. ! Nice piece of advice. I know, Life is too short to be wasted dreaming. But dreams keep you going, help you believe in something which might or might not happen.

They keep you happy without paying for it :)

Suyog Shopurkar said...

the novel had strongly influenced you :)

Anonymous said...

It's pretty normal to feel that way cause I do too!

except that he's real and unreachable;(

Love is blind but sometimes it's worth a risk(:

Rajesh said...

love is blind! the same story happens in my dream im too waiting for my gf