Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Circle of Influence - Makes a lot of Difference

Another pleasant morning with new hope and positive energy. The moment I got up from my bed, first thought that popped into my mind was: O.M.G, I'm late, rushed get ready. I could not even grab a sandwich or cup of tea, my cab people called me up : "Maaa'm ! your cab is waiting for you". Within 10 minutes I boarded the cab. Meanwhile the vendor called me up twice to inquire whether I have boarded the cab or not? Disgusting, and then started the fight. He blamed me for late boarding and I blamed him for informing me late. In short, I was so pissed off after that whole conversation (As you all know, I hate fighting or arguing with people :), and really try to avoid such situations). But sometimes, you can't control other people's frame of mind and the way behave.

Anyways, So, I was so pissed off that I called up my support system, my best friend to tell him about the incidence (At last we all need someone to bear all our frustration). So, I called him up and as another discussion session, he told me about the concept "Circle of Influence". Some of you might be aware of the term and concept. But as I was not familiar with the concept he explained me things by taking simple instance. Like take one instance:

First Instance: You got up late >> left for office in a hurry >> bad roads and traffic jam made you more frustrated >> then you reached office >> did some mistake in task >> Angry Manager calls you to discuss your mistakes >> and it left you more frustrated ... And what's the end result, your whole day got spoil.

Second Instance: You got up 15 minutes before the regular time >> Got ready >> Left for office on time >> no heavy traffic jams >> reached office on time >> Delivered your tasks on time >> Your boss satisfied >> And rewards :) ... Result: At the end of the day, you are happy and content.

So, what's the difference? just by changing the habit of getting up 15 minutes before your normal schedule, made your day. This is the circle of influence where one event influenced the other and made a lot of difference.

Moral of the Story: We can't control other people perceptions, actions and behaviors. So, rather than worrying about things which we can not control like traffic jams, bad mood of boss, bad roads, we should look in to ourselves and try to find out what are the other options which I can go for, to make my life more easy...

Think upon it .. I know it's very easy to give "GYAAN", but difficult to implement it. But try and change some of your habits or look out for other options which can make your life more easy and interesting. Till then Enjoy the roller coaster ride :)

PS: Thanks to my best friend for introducing me to "Circle of Influence".


S said...

And I got up late, and took the cab late, missed my morning tea n sandwich .. got to hear guru-manta from the boss, sadistic colleagues enjoyed everything ... LOL I could have made up a post on that too ... but this is all so usual to me ... I won't waste another 15 mins on writing a post .. which is SO NORMAL for me ! :P C'mon these things happen and it's a welcome CHANGE from the very bogus and disciplined ways of our life ... enjoy what comes your way Miss next door girl ! :D

And on that circle (which can never influence me..and I suppose neither will it on you :P) ... thanks for all the gyaan session .. I may suggest this post to my kaam-waali, damned she is always late :P ROFL !!

Yeah, made fun of everything, but the post was really enjoyable .. I could connect so much to it ... that I thought you dedicated it to me :P

Keep writing and I'll keep liking it ... so when can I come for a tea (and samose, choc fantasy and lunch too) ... ?? LMAO !

Happy getting late to you ;)

Ann said...

@ Sourav -- You really a Brat .. Made fun of my post .. Anyways, I'll take it with a pinch of Salt :)

Freelancer said...

mujhse nahi hota :(
lols... nice post btw...ought to wake up a lot of people early and teach them something

but i am so jobless and i cn sleep happily..hehe

SiMbA tAgO said...

real good post... but u know wt ever anyone says..the joy of sleeping cant ever be compensated with anything.... c'mon yaar jus think ur on bed n u get those extra 10mins perks of sleep...then u have a brilliant day too... angry boss,traffic,bad roads are jus momentary or a day's paly... but sleep n peace reamin forever... so i feel wt's the harm if u can have an extra nap...

Andhuvan said...

There is a better alternative,

My friend always had a valuable suggestion. You can't change people/circumstances, so don't complain for anything. Nothing goes according to plan, so you will become a frustrated soul if you complain on everything.

If you are late ,don't complain, you cannot change it and so on...
if your boss barks, don't mind.

This really works for me!

sonali said...

Informative.....hun!! Nice post, and makes sense. I reali need to improve ma COI, but tell me one thing if we change our COI, will we remain a weoman!! Think about can we have a straight life without complications, how boring, lol...

Virgo_The_Perfectionist said...

Hi..!! Very nice concept. Infact I use to follow it many times and u can't beleive this is one of the key for success...Eventhough you come to know it a bit late but you will be benefited once you completely understood and implement it. Moreover I can see the first implementation...there are so many idiots in this world have no other task then making fun of some good concepts...But still no harsh reply from your side...and results my compliment "You are a true professional. I am very much impressed".

Anonymous said...

Mmmm..Stephen R Covey..right??
but I second Simba tago when it comes to sleep...
sometimes those ten minutes are bliss!!!

Tiny Paws Care said...

This is quite an eyeopening post. I known how you feel. I too get such calls from the cab drivers and transport department of our fucked up company. When they talk to me in such rude behavior i tell them to wait for me and instead of boarding the cab i ride my horse to work. It makes me feel better to think that i have wasted some of their time waiting for me. LOL!