Monday, November 16, 2009

Is It All about "Give and Take" ?

PS: If you don't like reading about those typical emotional stuff, then don't waste your time. This one is not for you ;)

No matter how hard we pretend to remain unaffected by the outer world. Somewhere down the line, we all have emotions and feel the pain when expectations are not met. I know I love to give fundas for every situation and one of those fundas is "It's all about Give and Take". Be it family, friends or beloved, we all expect something in return. The proportion might differ from person to person, but I think ... Lolllzz... (As gals can't think according to my dear friend)... But yeah I think expectations are always there in every relationship. That's the question that have been there in my mind for last few day. Do expectations develop with time or with the love or bond you share or is it the kind of relationship you share with the particular person? To sum up it in one line: I would say What's more important: Time, Love or the relationship. Because I might not have much expectation from my siblings while I may expect a lot from a friend. But yeah, being a normal selfish creature, I too expect and sometimes, my fundas fail. I might expect without giving something in return. That's something which is a very big (Sorry, I'm short of the appropriate word) to ask for, that's what I think (Yes, I can think... Loollzzz).. So, what you guys think. Does this "Give and Take" funda applies for you OR you've found the one who loves you UNCONDITIONALLY ??

PPS: I don't know how much sense does this post makes to you. But I would definitely appreciate your views on this.


sobhit said...

give n expct nothin in return ..dat wot d gr8s say.. ask me... all crap :P... yes unconditional bonds n giving widout expectations n stuff is d most perfect way f life 1 can live.. but den again v human beings r bound 2 expct 4 wot v do.. n at tyms takin ppl n stuff 4 granted is d odr syd f d same expctation coin.. but like dey say no1 can b perfect can v??so give n tk is d most basic fundas of human civilisation.. remmber barter system... it all started wid d beginnning f d world.. n will continue till it lasts.. evn god expects us 2 praise him... n barring mayb few.. most f us visit d temples n shrines 2 ask 4 smthing or d odr.... d gv n tk picture is not jst limited 2d frnds n family things... sit dwn 2 think abt it.. its way beyond dat my frnd.... so no point thinkin abt all dis... do ur chores ... expct in return .. u get wot u desire wel n gud.. d person fails 2 gv back in return.. so b it.. not much can b done abt it.... n if u can den b f d enlited gr8 souls n follw d unconditional funda in ur life... hv fun :D

Ann said...

@ sobhit: Thanks Shobhit for sharing your views... Feeling much relieved... And yeah your fundas very clear, I must say ;)

Keep Posting ...

Anonymous said...

very less ppl in this world expect nothing in return, most of them do...

unconditional bonds nw a days, hmmm...i'm not sure whether still exist, if you have find 1, you should be very lucky person...

A.K said...

Thanks for the advance warning.. Seriously i can't take anymore of this emotional stuff.. Thank you that you have added that warning..

Anyway just wanted to say hi and check how you are doing...

Ann said...

@ Anonymous: Thanks Anonymous for sharing your views..

@ A.K: Hey A.K it's good to be straightforward... And I appreciate this. .. Anyways, thanks for dropping by and Hi ! How's life??

Andhuvan said...

I feel the contrary. Only in close relationships you expect more. Think about it you will realize.

We brush it off, if what we expect is not met by people not close to you. But if the same thing happens with people whom u are close with, it makes u to think for few days, and may be make you write a blog on the topic ;) !

So bottom line to expect is natural of any human being and expect 'nothing in return' is theoretical, though there will be rare exceptions

king said...

You guys seem to be very much practical, having straight forward attitude toward life, relations and love. I think funda’s don’t rule the life.
Expectation is always there and it is not wrong because you expect love and care and respect that you give to your beloved. If you are really in some serious relation it does not matter how much you give and how much it is reciprocated to you.

Siddhesh Kabe said...

well thats a nice post... interesting e1...gr8

well, karma kareja fal ki iccha nahi kar...:)

Ordinary Gal said...

Expectations always hurts but still we expect from every relationship. It is a human nature i guess

btw nice blog u have :)