Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stop Ranting, Collect Your Award

So, after all those ranting post, here I am taking a break from all that samajhdaari wali batein. Anyways, Here is an award one on my new Blogger friends - DayDreamer has given me. Thanks "DD" for appreciating my posts and liking them.

And yeah thanks to all of you who read my posts and share your valuable suggestions and views with me. So, here are some rules for this award.

1. Thank whoever gave this to you

2. Copy award

3. Post it in your blog

4. Tell us 7 things that your readers don’t know

5. Link 7 new bloggers

6. Notify winners of the award with a comment on their blog

7. Most of all - Keep being awesome!

Since I am done with first 3 rules. Here are 7 things about me.

1. I love Italian and South Indian cuisine.

2. I've a phobia for Lizards.

3. I love my country, and won't leave it for any reason.

4. I love sweets, chocolates but not ice cream.

5. Blue is my favorite color.

6. I am a Movie Buff.

7. I love Chetan's all Novels.

Now it's time to pass on this award to my other Blogger friends.

AK: http://travelawait.blogspot.com/
Sourav: http://sourav-pandey.blogspot.com/
Priya: http://very-me-priya.blogspot.com/
Tunisianbelle: http://jamiehassen.multiply.com/
Pooja: http://poojamahimkar.blogspot.com/
Scandoulous Housewife: http://www.scandaloushousewife.net/
Jack: http://niceguy251.blogspot.com/2009/11/for-happy-family-part-iii.html

Congratulations to all!!


Freelancer said...

italian cuisine i love it! pizzas and pastas
but south indian?? man am fed up of the food over here

PULKIT said...


S said...

Thank you !!

Thank you !!

This award might jus keep the blogger in me alive .. ! :)

Pooja Mahimkar said...

they thanks a lot! and i love italian as well.. like only pizzas :D

Ordinary Gal said...

Congtratulations :)

nice blog!!