Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Alchemist

Hi All !

It's been long time, since I wrote. Actually, a lot had been going on in life though, but I didn't feel like writing. After 4 months of brainstorming that what I actually want, now I've decided to prepare for govt. job like a Bank job or so.. a it will be good from long term perspective. Moreover, I think, I'm done with the corporate culture and can't continue like this for long.

Next, I read the book: "Alchemist". The Alchemist details the journey of a young Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago. Santiago, believing a recurring dream to be prophetic, decides to travel to the pyramids of Egypt to find treasure. I had heard a lot about the book and it's really worth it. Here are some lines from the book which, I loked the most:

"I'm like everyone else - I see the world in terms of what I would like to seehappen, not what actually does."

"Making a decision was only the beginning of the things. When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision."

This one is my favorite: When the boy meets the gal "Fatima" - love of his life and how she expresses her immense trust and love to him: "I am a desert woman, and I'm proud of that. I want my husband to wander as free as the wind that shapes the dunes. And, if he does not returns, I will accept the fact that he has become a part of the clouds, and the animals and the water of the desert."

Quote No 4: "Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time."

And the last one: "It's true; life really is generous to those who persue their destiny"

These were few of the quotes, I hope, you liked them. Will be sharing more updates soon. Till then, Love you all and wish u a Very Happy and Safe Holi. Enjoy!!


Rajesh Kumar said...

Nice quotes Ann...I will use them for my gtalk messages...very well done...

Jack said...


Nice to see you after long time. Good that you finally decided what you want in life. How about Civil Services? Are you still eligible or not? Thanks for inspiring quotes.

Take care

hanie vessa said...

I've read the alchemist. Paulo Coelho is the best author:) Nice blog:).