Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Random Post

So, I’ve been thinking of writing a blog post since 2 days but didn’t get the chance due to some work priorities. There has been loads of work these days in the office. So, finally, I got the chance due to power failure in the office (they don’t have a generator, blessing for us J)I have 2 new colleagues who have become good friends now. Really, enjoying their company, gossips and masti time. Another update is: I read the novel “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” from which I picked 2-3 good points mentioned below:

1) Our mind is like a garden. The more we nurture it with positive thoughts, the more positive results we get in our day-to-day life.
Following which I try to keep away negative thoughts and people away from my mind and life respectively.

2) 21 Day Funda: Secondly, I learnt from the book is: If you want to install any positive habbit in your system practice it for 21 days, then you will get used to that. For instance, I started going for morning walks and temple regularly and now it is installed in my system.

3) Keep mobile away: Though I am left with very few close friends and my mobile rings rarely, but I’m happy this way. As my life is more organized and peaceful. I enjoy other things like spending time with my family, going out with my sister for movies and shopping, reading novels, meditation.

These were some of the positive things that I could remember from the book. And yes, one more interesting thing: I made kadhaai paneer this weekend and it was delicious. Here is a picture of that:
Hope you liked the picture :). Looking forward to your comments.

Take Care,


Pooja Mahimkar said...

the mobile thing you said..i have been trying to do exactly that for a long time now... really mobile phones sometimes could really increase your stress levels. guess ill try the 21 days funda you mentioned above

Ann said...

@Pooja: Yes, try it, will definitely work... And yes, thank you for dropping by :)

Rajesh Kumar said...

That's a lovely one. I follower 21 days funda before & trust me, it's awesome. It really works for most of the things. I was not able to set my daily schedule to wake up & to go to bed but after I practise for a few days my body itself force me to go to bed...The first one was little tuff for me to grasp.. :)

Keep it up...your blog topics are really creative & contents are genuine.

Ann said...

@Rajesh: You can practice the first funda as well. The moment a negative though comes to your mind, try and divert it. I know it's tough to do that but at least you can try.

Thanks for dropping by and leaving your views.. :)

Jack said...


All the 3 lessons are really worth it. Hope you keep up with positive attitude. When do I get to taste KARAHI PANEER?

Take care

Ann said...

@Jack: Thank you uncle.. Yes, you are most welcome. Anytime..

Unknown said...

Random Thoughts are the best thoughts. Trust me on that.