Monday, September 10, 2012

Why Life is Soo Tough

After a very long time, I felt bad for somebody else. Yesterday, we went to one of our distant relative's home. She is my maternal aunt. Few months back her husband expired due to sudden organ failure (I dnt know the exact term). Since it was my off, my mom asked me to accompany her  as my aunt wanted to see her. I thought it would be a change for me as well. We went there. But by the end of the day, when we returned back, I was quite upset.

Reason: Long story in short:

My Aunt had 4 daughters and a Son who is the youngest one. Well, All the 4 daughters got married
in well off families and their son is in garduation last year. But the youngest daughter is going through her divorce (her husband used to beat her up). In this process, all the peace and harmony of the house was lost. Last year she went USA, to give her husband the last chance. But that creep really made her life hell there. This led her to take the final decision that she wants a divorce. In the mean time, my uncle expired, which was quite unexpected and my cousin (the girl battling for divorce) could not see her father in his last time as she was in USA. When she returned back, they got the news that my aunt is also not well as her kedneys have stopped working. Doctors have told them that she would not survive long. After listening all this, I was so upset, that how God could be so harsh on some people. And I am most worried about their brother who is hardly 22 years old, he would be left alone without his parents in this world. I wrote this post just to take my feelings out. I cant show my worries to my mom, otherwise she'll be upset too. Please friends pray for my aunt that she may live long at least till their son gets settle down.

Nothing much to say now... Take Care,



Rajesh Kumar said...

Oh..I am so sorry about your uncle & their family. Its tuff time for them & I will surely pray for them. But its our duty to support them mentally & socially. I wish God give them strength to come out of this asap.

I want to appreciate something about your blog. It looks very versatile to me.

Ann said...

@Rajesh: Thanks Buddy for kind words. Yes, we all need strength to accept this fact. And thanks for praising my blog. Your support and views keep it going .. :)

Jack said...


I feel so sad to hear this. I hope and pray that she stays for many more years to see her son settled. I also feel sad for her daughter who has to undergo such harsh times. Please do let me know if I can do anything for them. What about kidney transplant?

Take care

Jack said...
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