Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Shall we go with the flow?

Well, It's been long since I wrote but I think this is the time I should get hold of things again. Life has been very busy in the past couple of years. Marriage, then the kid and a lot more happened and time passed like a daily soap in which sometimes we see the happiness while at another moment the characters of the serial experience a roller coaster. Sometimes we feel things are not in our control and sometimes everything seems just perfect as the way it is. So, anyways as I am back, I will share a few good things or you may say my to-do list with all of you:

1 First and foremost is to take care of myself and my health, well fo that I can do yoga, meditation or some book reading which I used to do earlier.

2. Accept the people as they are and focus on my priorities which is my daughter.

3. Keep myself busy with some creative work that can add value to my skills and the people around me.

4. Remove the past hurt or negative emotions from my system that again requires meditation.

 So, friends please do tell me, how did you find the list and let me know if I can add anything else to this.

Till then bye and take good care of yourself too.

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