Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Luck by Chance.. Do you believe in this?

Some people say that they believe in hard work rather than in Luck while other say it's their hard luck that they don't get things easily. I myself don't understand this. Since childhood, I have achieved and lost many things which I've ever wished for. And most of the time, it involved loads of pains and hard work to achieve anything. But, sometimes I envy of those who get things just like that. Despite of low grades, people in reserved quota (please don't get offended) studying in the same institute in which we had been studying who had worked so hard to make it in top 100. Really, sometimes, I think it's unfair. Though I don't have any regrets, and by God's grace, I've achieved most of the things I've ever wanted, but really feel bad when some people get extra priviledges just because they have that "Better Luck" thing. Please feel free to share your experiences and views.


A.K said...

There is no such thing as luck.. Life is just a series of decisions that we make. If you have achieved almost what ever you have desired that why are you ranting...

King said...

They say "It's better to be lucky than smart." and I think they said it true.

DayDreamer said...

The word "Luck" as per me as a misnomer used by the weak to blame their failure on something..when they can find no one..

The funny thing about Luck is that it does not give you anything..but it does run out..

Ultimately its your hard work that accounts for everything..

BTW great post..its quite a hard hitting post..coming from you..

Cheers and keep smiling..

Raj said...

uh...idk how right i am, but i think i make my luck. when i so called "work hard" even a lil, somehow or d oder i end up gettin all i want. n yes then there is d environment, the day it sucks, u say u jus ran outta luck.

CutePriya said...

As per my personal experience... there's something called "Luck" coz despite giving your best at times things don't turn up that way...And yes I have seen pple getting most of the things in life without even striving a bit...