Monday, June 6, 2016


yesterday had been one of the worst days .. when I was upset whole day. in d morning I had a fight wid my husband and we both ended up not speaking to each other. sometimes I think about why we come under our parent's pressure and tie ourselves wid a person we do not love or respect. I know he loves me and cares for me but sometimes his arrogance and dominance is beyond my tolerance. by the end of the day, he again pinged my mil (mother-in-law) wid something I didn't like. these mils are impossible to understand sometimes. my mother in law gives me so many instructions everyday day that it becomes difficult for me to live freely. I am consioous everytime dat i might . I would not say that she is a bad person, but she wants everything according to her. nd it has started irritating me. I try to keep my patience but now am loosing it.

I feel guilty also dat dont i want to stay with my in laws? but they create such situations that we start disliking dem. anyways, it was such a bad day. nd on top of dat, I dreamt about my ex. I often see him in my dreams . Do i still love him. I he was d one I loved, then y destiny didnt got us together. Thought all da day about him. Where he has been. Does he also miss me nd how much. These thought often come to my mind

Is life dat tough or we over react much.

PS: pls ignore typo.

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