Monday, January 23, 2023

Does Killing animals affect my Karma - Part 2


Hello everyone, hope you are doing good..   so, here I am with the answers to your doubts. Well I asked my group admin that why should we not have non veg diet or does it adds to our bad karma?

The answers are:

ISKCON or Bhgwan Krishna is not saying that you should not have non veg but God has made so many plants, vegetables or fruits for us then why we eat other animals? They also have right to live, they also feel the pain..

For God we all are his children, and if one child eats the other then will a father be able to forgive him? Think about it.

In some rare cases like if you are living in a very cold place; where it’s tough to grow vegetables or in war areas, where there are limited resources available, then for your survival, you can have non vegetarian diet.

So, it’s completely your choice,

I hope I am able to clear your doubts.

Please feel free to post your queries or comments..





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