Wednesday, January 18, 2023

How Killing Animals affect My Karma?


So, past few years have been a roller coaster ride and if I take out the best parts or blessings out of them then, they would be

  • ·         My daughter,
  • ·         Reunion with my Bestie
  • ·         Start of my spiritual journey

I am so thankful to god that he blessed me with so many good friends and a supportive family who have always been there for me.

I learnt that in tough times you have two choices either get trapped in it and give in to bad habits or cheap pleasures. But if u really wants a permanent solution then, spirituality is the answer.

Spirituality makes you understand the reasons behind many things or events taking place around you. And the best part is when you have people with whom you can discuss this. They add to your knowledge. For instance as a daily routine I attended Bhakti Varsha Class from ISKCON, and there was a topic on why we should not kill animals for meat or eating purposes, or why we turn into vegetarian ? But when my friend asked it what’s the logic behind it and how it will affect my karma if am not killing the animal but just eating it. It gave me a food for thought that yes if somebody else is killing the animal and am just eating it then he would be responsible or being the customer of such people am I promoting their business and thus indirectly am I responsible for killing of animals?

Well to answer this I need to study more or ask my mentor to give the appropriate answer. Till then all my readers are welcome to share their views on this



Ruchi Duggal said...

Food for thought. Looking forward for details on this

Ruchi Duggal said...

Food for thought. Looking forward to read more on this thread.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for answer

Supriya said...

Quite agree with your thoughts on spirituality.
Spiritual practices complement a healthy and contented lifestyle.