Monday, January 30, 2023


Parenting is a full time job especially when you have single child. One of the biggest challenges of upbringing a single child is they need attention all the times, as they don't have any sibling around with whom they can play or share things. So, it becomes important for a mother or the guardian to be more cautious while dealing with them. But, it is observed, that when both the parents are working, sometimes they run out of patience and scream at the kid in anger which could be more damaging for the mental health of the child.

So, next time when your kid gets cranky and acts, out make sure you H.A.L.T and ask yourself these questions before you react. 

H: HUNGRY: Ask them if they are feeling hungry, Sometimes, kids are not able to express them properly and behave in a weird manner. So, please make sure if they bare not doing it out of hunger. 

A: Anxious: Like us, Kids also have their own worries, issues, so talk to them and find out if something is bothering the. Be supportive and try to sought out their concern. 

L: Lonely: Single Child feels lonely most of the times, so spend time with them , be their friend and play and read with them. So, that they have a company at home. 

T: Tired: They can be tired mentally or physically, so ask them if something they need to talk about. Sometimes mental exertion can lead to bigger issues. 

Hope next time, you will HALT and respond in a better manner to your little one . 

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