Last year had been full of disappointments and hardships. But yes, If I take it positively, it had been a learning experience too. Sitting jobless for a whole one year taught me the importance of work, money and success. Sitting Idle is not an easy task. But anyways, the tough part is over now and I have got a job again, I am loving it. As one of my blogger friends suggested me to share some of my experiences and tips for job search, I am posting some of my experiences of last year while I was looking for a Job.
No. 1 Problem I faced that since I was interested to switch my profile from Content Writer to Internet marketing, nobody was ready to give me chance. Every recruiter was like, you don't have enough experience.
So, guys if you are looking for a domain change, first of all, be manipulative. Make some changes in your resume. Mentions the points the recruiters are looking for.
Secondly, apply to all popular job portals. Just one platform is not enough. For instance, I even applied in classified websites like
Quikr. You never know, you get the call of your dream job.
Set a criteria/priorities like what kind of profile you are looking for. Appearing for wrong profile's interviews will only end up in disappointments. So, before going for an interview, ask the HR what will be the job profile and responsibilities.
Though it took time, but don't loose patience and faith in yourself. Always remember, you have the caliber that's why you are here. So, be confident and even if you could not make at few places, you will make it in the next.
So, good luck with your job search and Enjoy the Ride!!!