Thursday, January 26, 2023

10 ways to deal with Anger

In a today's busy world, we are running after materialistic possessions thinking that they will give us peace and happiness. People nowadays are so engrossed in technology that they have cut themselves from the real world and have forgotten to enjoy little things like spending time with their family and friends. Over a period of time, when they are left alone, it leads to anger and frustration and they sometimes commit big mistakes or even crime in rage of anger. 

So, here are few points that you can practice to manage your anger in a better way: 

 1 Pause: Whenever you get angry, take a pause and think , Is it worth disturbing your peace of mind? I am sure the answer would be "No" most of the times. So, think before you speak out of anger.. It will save you from future regrets. 

2. Let it Go. Have you heard the famous song "Let it Go" from Kids' movie Frozen? If no, then please listen to it and make it Mantra of your life .. yes Let go of the grudges and resentment. Holding on to past, will only hurt you more. 

3.Root Cause of Anger: Sometimes, we realize that we were not actually angry on a single thing, but it's the build up anger inside us and trigger may be a small incident that caused the outburst. So, identify the root cause and try to work on it. 

4. Be Calm and Composed while you express yourself to others, let them know in a respectable manner if some habit of theirs disturbs you. 

5. Meditation: It could be anything, A Mantra or a some music , start your day with something you like and then plan the next events accordingly. A good start will lead to a peaceful day.. 

6. Alternatives: Figure out some healthy and constructive way to release your anger, like go for a walk or workout in gym when you are very angry and don't want to hurt others with your words. After some time you can express yourself in a better manner.

7.Drink Water: Drinking water or reverse counting also help to cool down your head and give room to your thoughts. 

8. Positive self talk: Think about some good moments you spent with your family or friends and do some positive self talk to re-frame your negative thoughts.

9 Tolerate: In some situations, we should train our mind to be tolerant and give some space to our thoughts. That will help you think clearly. 

10 Forgive  Last is Forgive quickly. It's not for others but for your own mental well being. 

Hope these points will help you in managing your anger next time. 

Please feel free to post your point of view or suggestions. 


Anonymous said...

Great advices

Anonymous said...

Great great thoughts